Tuesday, January 9, 2007

your so so good

I surrender my all. Yeppers, all for you my main man. i surrender my eyes, my ears, my future, my past, my sins, my happiness, i surrender my everything. I surrender my friends, even jared, i surrender my lesbian sister, i surrender my biological syster, and her fiance. JOHN LUSTER, coolest mo-fo from cally you ever did meet. I surrender my old dog, Jackson Bean Riley.....I love you jackson, you tought me so much, and you were just a silly happy golden retriever. I surrender my relationships in the pasts, i surrender my relationships in the future, i surrender that vacation that i havn't been on yet, but i have my woman with me, there is a lot of sand, and ummmmm i think a strawberry dackerie...........my fav. drink. what else do i surrender? lemme tell you, i surrender mike gann, and his girl kaitlyn. I surrender Kimi Gibson, Matt Kern, Derrick Maranca, i surrender all the really horrible teachers in my past who didn't teach me a damn thing!!!!!! surendered, done, good, lets move on. I surrender alcohol, i surrender marijuana, i surrender oxy, dxm, dmt, vicodin, meth, uppers downers, shrooms, little asian women........................WHAT ELSE?!?!?!?!? I surrender my doctors, my nurses, i surrender the ouchy needles they always want to put in my arm. I surrender the blood in my veins, i surrender Jessica, i surrender planes, i surrender pepsi cola, and cheeze, and crackers, and kind gestures that will never be forgotton. I surrender ease droppers, and toilets.............my goodness what else can there be??? I surrender Ben Allen, mitchell burns, ashley schaffer, and alex e, and ryan e. i surrender jared....................duh thats a no brainer..............................garry, anger, pride, resentment, forgiveness, happiness, love, computers, porn, child molesters, killers, robbers, lovers, happy happy happy happy thoughts, i surrender those too. ;+) wink wink nudge nudge. I surrender Jack black, and tyler morningstar(long live the INDIANS) i surrender real estate, and bruce helton(my good buddy who has a nice car, and is really good with computers.) i surrender his mom, and her mom, and her grate aunt shela who lost her hearing in the 4th grade, and the kids always made fun of her cuz her voice was a little bit different than everyone else.........and it was sad, but she was such a sweet person. HOW DARE THEY JUDGE HER?!?!?!?!? I surrender peter kim, andy e, jacob kim, and canterbury apartments............i surrender waking up naked in a hall way confused and a little dizzy.............why do i smell like chestnuts????? I surrender al, carin, johnny, and vegas in general. I surrender every sad sole/hooker that romes the streets every day tryin to make a buck....................you deserve so much better girls. I surrender that guy who pointed out my shaky legs in front of everyone and made me feel like an ass, and i surrender the nasty comment i made about him behind his back. I surrender long crazy hallways, and i surrender cronik????? wait....................omg that is cronic?!?!?!?!? suites? tables? VIP WHAT? I surrender nick, and tyler b., olivia, their parents, travis s., i surrender the truck that i smashed into the pole. I even surrender the truck i stole when i was really drunk and on mushrooms then took it on some railroad tracks, destroyed it, left it, walked to house, got dropped off.............i surrender everything i ever stole....................bad habbit, but almost an addiction, just like anything else. I surrender sex, i surrender sexy, i surrender blond hair blue eyes, 5'11", i surrender fitness, i surrender children, i surrender future happiness...........everything i am thinking of god. i want to surrender to you. take it all please. thankyou, good morning, good night, all that stuff...........................Man i really need that stem cell transplant....................................i surrender money i don't have, money i do have, i surrender chris heidenreich...................what a name huh???i think it is german, or at least has german roots. I surrender a woman coming into my life and making me feel like i have been reborn. thankyou god, thankyou mom, dad, mer, brandy, john.............everything

i surrender
i surrender
i surrender, i surrender sololover
hey, i even surrender masturbation!!!!!!!! oops, i said it, sorry.....no i'm not.
i surrender blue sky's, and love and emotions, and infertilness, and possiblilties....................i surrender everything i care about, and everything i will care about in the future. all of it.


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