Monday, January 8, 2007

living life to the fullest, on the edge, hardcore till the day i die.

Yo, i am me. me is mikey. mikey is real. i live the way i live because i want to. i am confident. i am strong. i will no longer live because i feel presured to live. i am free.

Okay, so today i woke up on my own accord. This suprised me because i thought my mom was going to wake me up super early, so i could help her at boxed delites.

So, my day started off with a little dental inspection/cleaning. Doc. says i got a good set of teeth, and a big mouth. Okay okay, stop laughing.
So, here is a picture getting my teeth scratched a lil bit. She done did me a good job. Me teeth are nice and happy. :+)

Man, i am a stud huh?

Okay, so after dentist issues were resolved, my mom picked me up and off to boxed delites i went. It was awesome cuz i was having fun, and i got to play with big knives and cut stuff in half.
I got to cut all kinds of things, such as apples, peaches, onions, peppers, and so on and so forth. It was great, i had fun and my mother and i enjoyed each others presence.After that, i went out to eat with my best buddy jared. It was a lof of fun, we talked our friend derrick into coming out and enjoying some wings with us. Great Time!!! I am always enlightened after i get to have an intelectual conversation with Jared. Truely a good man.

M/S Update:
Okay, now for my least favorite part of the blog, the m/s update. As of now we are giving the insurance company our last appeal. This is the appeal where doc. Burt(guy who thought up stem cell transplant for m/s) talks to the head money spender at Anthem. Who knows what will happen, only God i suppose. Good enough for me. So, as far as how is the m/s? well, i had an attack yesterday, it was so crazy, it lasted about 4 hours, i got voilently ill, and lots of diareah, like uncontrolled bowels. Not fun, then just as fast as it came on, it was gone. Very neat situation. I saw got next to me the whole time.

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