Friday, April 30, 2010


Life has been uber busy, what with end of the semester and trying to get Young Life kids set up for camp. Speaking of getting Young Life kids to camp; last weekend we did this really great fundraiser, we mulched a committee members house. Dang we got super dirty.

And I have been so busy too. Dang, it seems like I am so jammed packed, I sometimes don't have time to think. Bible study, Young Life, school, finding a new church, trying to do right. Dang, life has been really real and in my face. My parents are still struggling finicially because of me, and that sucks. I am trusting in God, and I know it is going to be what he needs it to be. But, ya know, that's there.

I am loving my Lord though. I never get too busy for that. My time with God becomes more and more sincere each time I really get into it. I have been trying to really concentrate on me and God. It gets so hard sometimes though. I wanna just focus on Him and no one else. It can sometimes get really difficult though when there are sooo many distractions though. Not that any of the distractions are getting in the way of God, BUT, they can sometimes consume my 'me' time. I am pumped though. God's grace never ceases to amaze me. I take my last final on the 6th, I will be able to keep up on this here BLOG. It was nice though, to take a little break. I missed it though.

Sometimes growing means failing and starting from the basics. I can get so full of myself, that it causes me to lose focus on Abba. I hate losing focus on Abba. But, grace, GRACE is a beautiful thing. Something that all Christians need to at least try to keep in the forefront of their minds. It brings a smile to my soul. It brings peace to a heart that feels as if it sometimes is not enough. Grace is good. God is Grace.
This is me right now. I am hairy and messy lookin, well cuz i'm broke. (big sigh) I got another ticket, on campus, for not coming to a complete stop. It was real difficult for me. It is going to mess a bunch of stuff up (car insurance, ma$$ive fines, and other stuff), but that is the way it happened. I am just trying to still trust God in it all. It is what it is though. JUST STOP AT THE STOP SIGNS MIKEY!!!! lol, some people gotta learn the hard way. And, well, some people have to just keep movin on, even when life isn't fair. I am staying strong though, God is keeping me strong. God = LOVE!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The deed is done

Okay, alrighty then. So, as you can see above, I have sucessfully linked up Twitter with my BLOG. This means that now I can just post all my "tweets" directly to my BLOG. This is awesome because my BLOG has now evolved into a real time sort of electronic journal. You gotta love technology. It is like my BLOG just went from a AAA battery (off brand). . .
To this amazing massive and beautifully amazing and hugely awesome battery shown above. K? That is what just happened to my BLOG. UPGRADETASTIC! And it is all due to my cousins husband Drew. I don't have a problem admitting it drew, you were right, I should have done it a while ago. ;-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Twitter is coming to my BLOG

ha ha ha ha, he he he
Soon enough Twitter is coming. I can't wait to be able to update in a way that is quick and efficient. Life has been so fulfilling lately. God, indeed, is doing something HUGE. I am simply amazed at how He is choosing to use me.

I have papers due soon. lol, I have lots of Young Life work to be done for kids and preparing them to go to camp. It is going to be an interesting next couple of months. I wish I could just press the fast forward button, but I am going to try to savor the moment.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

reaching kids

I need to link up TWITTER to this BLOG, that is all there is to it. Ryan & I went to a Jehova's Witness church just to show a kids G'Ma that we care about her grandson. It did something really awesome to Grandma, but if all we did was show this kid that we care that much, then it was all worth while. :~) And that is that.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I need to post on this thing

Okay, so even though I may not have hinted to the fact of stress/business, the fact of the matter is it has been 'upon' me. Why I sometimes put (' ') on words for emphasis, I do not know. But, the fact of the matter is that from Friday right on towards Tuesday at 1:30, I had been so extremely busy with school, school, school, Young Life, Young Life, Young Life, Young Life Conference, Young Life Conference, school (stressful partner), and so on, that I have just been running on almost depleted mode. Like and I understand that this is not abnormal, but when it sneaks up on you and you don't even realize it. Well, it sort of takes you by surprise. That is what happened. It happened when I walked out of childcare this morning. I just had to call my mom and say to her, "Mom, I feel strange. I feel like I should be doing more. I dunno, it's like I am feeling guilty, maybe like I should be doing more for God or something??" My mother in all her wisdom, pointed out exactly what was going on. She is such a good thing to have in my life. Truly a blessing. I love my mom.

So much is going on in my life. It is totally awesome. I really wish I could link up this new TWITTER thing with my BLOG. I can post pictures and all kinds of stuff on it. It is tight because it is quick and keeps everything up to date. It better reminds me of what exactly I am doing, going through, thinking about, and learning. Twitter is the way to go. Seriously, look me up on there. Chillerguy111 is my screen name. I'll get on it though. You just wait and see.

Life is so good though. God is doing some big big things. I'm loving it. Big time, seriously.

Okay, time to go to The Circle.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ohhh man

Today was crazy. In all honesty, from 5:15am until now, like 10:30pm I have been straight BUSY. Not a minute to chill. Such an intense day. I got a huge project in. I did so much today.

And I got signed up for a twitter account. FOLLOW ME, if you choose to. Follow me by my twitter account name which is chillerguy111

Sunday, April 11, 2010

passion & authority. . . lol

This is so true (lol). I wonder how many hours I have logged blogging. Ohh, and by the way I made it back from Chi-town. It was so good.
> > > > > > > >
Yes, I am back to Fort Wayne. The weekend was really good. I am excited to finish up this semester now. It is going to be crunch time and I am gonna make it work. HERE WE GO NEXT 4.5 WEEKS!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

chi-town (3)

This was my first year to Chicago for our yearly Student Staff Conference. Ohh it was extremely good. The picture above was taken from Navy Pier. It was such a beautiful day today. I mean amazingly beautiful. The weather, temperature, and people were so extremely perfect. What a day/weekend it was.
Yep, the three amigos (Ryan, Me, & Ben) had a real good time this weekend, learning how to be more effective leaders within Young Life. We were having amazing fellowship with like minded individuals. It was an extremely good weekend. Ohh, and the legit Chicago pizza. . . it was amazing. Sooo amazing. God is good people. He blesses and he loves. I love pizza.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ha ha ha, todays title is funny only to me. I get the inside joke. You might notice there is a little circular symbol at the end of every single BLOG post now. Well, this is not some strange happening. This was a very strategic decision on my part. Ya see, today I found a wonderful tool. A tool that is helping me to discover the true power of the internet. It is an amazing service you can find at It is truly amazing. I can't even begin to explain it. Truly it has changed the internet for me. Go to the site, download the tool bar. And begin to be amazed. Here are just some examples of the awesomeness.

There are so many more, and I had a truly amazing day today. TOMORROW I LEAVE WITH 2 OTHER YL LEADERS FOR A YL CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO!! WHOOP WHOOP

p.s. late update. . . It is 3:58AM and I am still stumbling, holy crap. I'm going to bed!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

good food and friends

Today was good. The weather was not as fire as yesterday. BUT, no matter. This day, I got the chance to hang with my buddy Kyle. It was a really fun experience. We worked out and I almost threw up. And then at 6:00 I went to Ryans house. We got together with our friend Alex and made a killer dinner. Well, Alex made the dinner. He is a pro chef, and knows how to get it DONE. Isn't that a tiiiggghhht picture? That is alex there cooking it up. You might ask yourself who were you cooking for? For our new friends!!! Dani is to the left and Destinie is to the right. Zack is not in the picture, but he was there also. I love these guys. And Destinie may very well be our first Black Young Life leader here in Fort Wayne. I'm excited!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ta Ta

Holy SNAP the weather was amazingly good today. I mean it was like 80 with sun and warm wind and goodness I just didn't want it to end. It was so perfect outside today. I found myself on campus just walking around to walk around. It was truly amazing. I LOVE GOOD WEATHER! I love looking up into the sky and just thinking about how amazing God is. It is a little more difficult when it is cold and no sun, BUT, you can still see Him if you have the right eyes to see with.

8See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2:9-15 (speaks for itself)

9. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10. and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. 11. In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ, 12. having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.

13. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14. having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. 15. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

I played Basketball tonight after Campus Crusades for Christ. It was amazing. I suck at basketball though. I had a lot of fun. I need sleep now though. Ta Ta readers!

Monday, April 5, 2010

camp, video, tired

So I finally finished up on this video project I have been working on the the past two and a half weeks. It has been long hours in a computer lab doing editing, and this and that. BUT, I believe all my work has finally paid off. And, without my partners help I would like to add. It is sad I got stuck with the 'dud' of a partner. There was a lot of STICKY issues involved, but to say the least, I still have gotten stuck with all the work. And doing all the work is tough. All is well though. So right now with Young Life we are bustin to get kids signed up for camp. This year we are taking our kids to a camp in Detroit Lakes, MN. called Castaway Club. I am so excited for this summer. It is truly going to be an amazing opportunity for our kids. The awesome news is that to start out with we were only allowed to take 70 kids + leaders. But, because so many have been signing up so fast, we are now allowed to take 85 kids + leaders. I am so excited to see what God is going to do with all this.

God is good. I am tired. ohhh, one more thing. There is this girl. Her name is Laura Wight. I so want her to go to camp this summer. I know she has like a family thingy to go to this summer. But, dang what an amazing opportunity this summer would be for her. She could come out on top as a leader, but also be fed in ways that would stretch and grow her to new heights. What an amazing opportunity.
If a certain mother would be interested in gaining information about this camp, she could call me @ 433-1543 p.s. prayers are with you for Bruce. God's hand is at work, even when life is confusing. Trust in his unfailing love in all ways. Proverbs 3:5-6 rocks in hard situations that seem so confusing.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter is a fine day


Today started off with me going to church where I had the amazing opportunity to Baptize one of my Young Life guys. I have had the amazing opportunity to be with this guy for over a year, hanging out, studying the Bible, and just growing together. And today, I was amazed to be able to dunk him under the water. What a great and glorious God I serve!


What a great Easter I had too. I got together at Ben's house. There was probably about 20'ish college aged people there. There was tons of awesome food. And, it was so totally fun. We ate good, then towards the evening, we had a killer worship time. Goodness I had an awesome time. Then, towards the end some friends from The Circle showed up. It was awesome because our worship time really blessed them. There was a lot of blessings.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Windows 7

The other day I went golfing with this guy, Jonathon. It was real fun, although some jerks tried to ruin our time. I did the right thing, and instead of getting on their level of physical aggression & cursing I simply turned them into the pro shop and we got 2 rounds of 18 holes/w a cart for free. It was rad. It was fun & Dale & I had a good time.

Today, Saturday, I was lazy. I got a lot of couch time, installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and ate like it was my last day on earth. I seriously could go without eating the rest of the month & be okay. The night ended with me playing video games @ Nicky's house. We ended up getting into a really awesome God talk. It was sweet. God is good.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Life is so good. God is doing some amazing stuff.

It is late and I get to sleep in tomorrow. I am going to go to bed. Maybe I will upload pictures and fill this here BLOG in on what is up. But not right now.