$334.79 is the price of the round trip ticket I just purchased from Travelocity for my trip to and from AZ. this summer. I am pretty stoked, pretty darn stoked in deed. Now, there will be another set of tickets that I will need this summer. Ya see, I am going to be in Arizona for my "paid" internship at a Young Life camp from May 13th to August 17th, but I will have to come back from June 11th to June 22nd in order to take our kids to a camp in North Carolina called Windy Gap. I am stoked about all of the above. I still have to get the tickets for when I come back to Fort Wayne in June, and my friend from Cali will not be able to help this time. So, it is going to be a lot of money spent this summer on air fare.... :o) But, of all the things I could spend money on, I really don't mind spending it on air fare, I love flying more than anything, and it is for God's work. I just think of all the opportunities I have on planes and in airports to witness to people. It get's me excited.

I love my job. I love that I get paid to hang out with little kids. You could take all the "negative attributes" associated with elementary kids, and multiply them by 3, and they wouldn't even come close to negating from the good times I have with them. And I think that says a lot. Did what I just say make sense??

Anyways, when I got off work today, I hung out with Nick. We have a good time together. Today, I took him to get pizza, and then we headed back to his house to play some
Banjo-Kazooie on X-Box 360. It is a good game, and fun to talk whilst you play it. I mentioned Windy Gap tonight to Nick. I think some of the walls are being broken down with Nick about Young Life. I think it's a good thing, and I really really really want Nick to go to camp more than anything. I do I do I do.
So that was primarily my day today. God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good.
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