Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's

Yes, it is St. Patrick's day, and even though I see the holiday as an excuse for Hallmark to make money, and people to get drunk on a week day. It is what it is (sadly).

I went to class, and got the LOW DOWN on my mid-term for my Mass Communications class. Part of it was a take home test, which I will do really good on. The other part is a cumulative multiple choice/true & false test. I will be studying for that tomorrow because I just got the study guide. Good thing I have been staying up on all the reading and what not.

After class, I went to work, where we had a St. Patrick's day PARTY for the kids. Check out these pictures that Andrea (site director) took.

The party was a success by my standards, and although I would not be spending St. Patty's day with people of my own age, doing activities that could be quite enjoyable, I wouldn't have traded this St. Patty's day for anything. I was in charge of games....I should say, I made up games on the spot that involved big green balloons, and running. The kids were amused, and I liked laughing at them. There was a lot of GREEN, and that is good protection, because you know I would pinch ya. When I got done with Patty's party, I went to class. Law class actually let out early (I got an 86% on my 2nd test) so I took advantage of the opportunity, and went to my Sister's and her Fiance's apartment, and played the Wii, and chilled with them. I love them a lot, and want them to come to know the God I know and love. If you would like to pray for them, their names are John and Brandy.

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