You know where I ended up at this afternoon around noonish? Get this, THE LIBRARY!!! "Ohhh Walter, your library has become almost homelike to me." I got into a real comfortable study position today. I am pretty flexible, so I just wrap and twist until I am comfortable. Here is how I sat for a lengthy amount of time.I guess this picture does not show how I am sitting very well, but my legs were all super Indian style. While I was studying, I got an expected phone call from a guy named Mark. Mark works for the The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and E-Mailed me maybe 3 days ago asking if he could call me to do an over the phone interview for an article he is writing about people and out of the U.S. stem cell transplants. We talked on the phone for 64minutes & 29seconds. He was very knowledgable, and I could tell he had done his homework on a lot of what we were talking about. He knew the names of contacts, and all sorts of things. I will be looking forward to what the article is actually like. He gave me the impression it would be 4 weeks until it was published.
Well, I was on campus, it was getting near supper time, so I was hungry. I remembered a girl from my law class handing me a paper talking about an event called Taste of Africa. So, I went and checked it out. There was entertainment and free food, as my friend Lili would say, "that's the place to be." Here are some pictures and even a video clip from the production. They had it all set up in the ball room. It smelled so good!! Yeah, and this is why it smelled so good! The food was super authentic. I mean I am assuming that is what the real stuff would taste like, I have never eaten food or been to Africa though, so I guess I really wouldn't know per say.
Anyways, they put on a fashion show. It was really cool, and there are a lot of really beautiful African women that go to IPFW. Some of these girls seemed so totally legit, I just wanted to sit down and get to know them. But, they were walking on a "cat walk," so it probably was not a good time. Lastly, the night ended on this very computer. My dad and I watched the boys State basketball game. Snider (the school I do contact work @ for Young Life) went to state against Bloominton South. It was a good game, but Bloomington won 69-62. There are two kids on the B-Ball team for Snider who regularly attend Young Life. I so wanted them to win, but you can't win um all. The picture above is kind of crappy; it sort of looks like a video game, but you get the idea.
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