Today started off with a little more A.M. child care than usual. Fort Wayne Community Elementary School's had a scheduled 2 hour delay today. We had a chance where the kids could make the little bead things, ya know you place the bead things on a pattern, then take an iron to it and they all melt together. The kids loved it. Then, they watched...

Bee Movie, and really loved it. I was kind of surprised, I thought it might be just a tad slow moving for them, but they were really fixated on it the whole time. Made my job a whole lot easier. "Thanks Seinfeld!"

After I left work this morning, I went to the hospital, and got my 13th infusion of
~TYSABRI~ I am so happy to report that I have had 13 months of great health. With no major exacerbation's/relapses of any sort to mention. This is a really good thing, and I am so blessed and thankful for God allowing me to have such great health. Although, even when health is tough, I still have the same mindset. See the white blob in my nose? I have been getting these freakish bloody nose sessions. I think it is because it got all wet from all the rain, then dried up real quick. That probably had something to do with it. I dunno though.
I would like to conclude today's post with a reminder as to why I am a DOG person.
thats cute, as i respond i have my little lady on my lap, my schi tzu, macy, who i love so much and she loves me too. gotta love that unconditional love.. p.s. our girls bball team just won and we go back to the final four state championship.....knights rule