Today, I went to Snider to do some contact work through all three of the lunch mod's. It was great because one kid lead me to another kid that I was taking/hanging out with last year. His name is Ray, you can see ray from this link that leads to a past post.
~CLICK HERE~ to see who Ray is. It was awesome, and totally not just a coincidence that I was lead to ray today; totally a "God moment." So, when I was at Snider (school I do contact work @), one of the kids wanted me to text his mom to tell her that he could get a ride with a friend. I did this, and again, another "just so happens moment," happens and about 30 minutes later I got a phone call from this kids mom, who knows me well. Her car broke down, and she needed a ride and couldn't find anyone else to help her. Of course I would help, and I am just so extremely happy that she thought to call me. Well, I know why she called me, and I know that God used that text to remind her that I can and will help in any way that I can.

But, just because I am willing to help drive places to help people, it does not negate from the fact that I am an idiot when it comes to taking directions. I am seriously horrible at it. But, it was a nice day, so what the hay.

I finally got to her, and was able to take her home. I was a little late to work, but my supervisor/boss is very cool about it, and was not upset at all that I was 15min late.
Then there was club. Club felt HIGH ENERGY tonight.

I love HIGH ENERGY. Tom gave the talk, it was about how God knows us fully, and that we do not need to hide ourselves from Him. He talked about how if you do this, then you are just being like everyone else. People of all ages and race have emotional baggage of some sort. Whether it is abuse, self-hatred, lack of esteem, addiction, pride--stemming from all sorts of different issues, etc. We all got it, but to just lay it out in front of God, who already knows every bit of it, and loves unconditionally regardless of who you are or where you are at, well that is a hard thing to do. It means that first you have to accept that there is someone who loves you unconditionally, through your nasty stuff, and happy times. Someone who wants you to just give yourself, completely. God has an amazing love, a real and embracing love. I did not say that the love God gives is an amazing concept, because it is not a concept, it is something that can wrap your pain and issues up like a blanket, and hold you close.
I am so thankful for the love God shows me. Through my pride, and stupidity, God loves and embraces me too. That is a good thing to know.
yes the Lord's unmerited favor is amazing. I had this vision of you being in full-time ministry someday as I was reading your blog.
I dig that vision. I dig it a whole lot. I think it is becoming more and more true as each day passes.