Dave church is so refreshing to me because it is so genuine. We all really love each other. We all really love the Lord. When you put those two things together, well it is just real good. And I have missed hearing Dave talk. I love taking notes on what the Lord has been teaching or prompting him in. I love reading back on those notes after some time and saying, "ohh yeah," all over again.
Ya know that expression, "take time to stop and smell the roses?" Well, today I didn't smell any roses, but I did take time to look at the sky. The sky was so beautiful today. I think I was on my way to go pick up Adam and his friend when I took this picture.

After I got home from Dave Church (Lifelight Ministries), I talked on the phone with Janice. Then we got on SKYPE together. Okay, what I am about to say is going to be full with confusion. For you, the reader anyways. But, just try to sift through it as best as you can. Janice and I, well we both love each other. And relationships are challenging. Sometimes those challenges are built/created before two people even meet each other. That is the case for Janice and I. There are some things that are difficult to hear, mostly because I am sissy when it comes to certain topics. BUT, God keeps prompting me to not avoid a paticular topic, and to embrace it head on with love and compassion. So, that is what I did, and boy am I glad I did. I prayed and prayed and prayed about God doing something in my heart that gave me a different outlook on a specific topic. That I could have His eyes, and His heart. He did just that and more. Not only was it relatively easy for me to listen to Janice. As she spoke, I just "KNEW" that much more that she is supposed to be in my life. What a good feeling. What an amazing, grace filled feeling.
Our converation got cut short, but we will pick up tomorrow where we left off. I love that girl though, I mean I really love her. I love her and I am just so happy to be able to walk through life with her (emotionally & spiritually of course). Some day I will be there physically. . . some day
To end the night, I went and saw District 9 with George. Now, I would not take Janice to see this movie, but we both really enjoyed it. Because we are a couple of nerds.
I took more pictures, but I don't feel like uploading any more. It was a supid plot, but we laughed and enjoyed it for what it was. A "Dude flick." And i'm okay with that.
Janice, I love you. I am so glad you are in my life. You are a blessing to me in more ways than you can understand. I am excited to see what God is going to do in our relationship. Hang in there and know that I am praying for ya all the time. You are constantly on my mind, and I really want to honor God in our relationship. You're the best, and I really hope you enjoyed Dimitri Martin tonight.
G'Night all!
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