I would love to start off by saying that I am enjoying my time with Janice immensely. It is amazing how much we just mesh together. We really complement each other so well, it is unbelievable. True, we live 2,196 miles apart, but when we are together, the sparks fly! I'd also like to say that this BLOG is being BLOGGED from my
NEW COMPUTER!! Yes, that's right I got a new laptop. It is an HP and it is quite wonderful.

It is so wonderful having a computer that is dependable and that works way beyond what you actually need it to! :o) Truly, this will make school so much easier as well. Okay, so now on to my day. My parents and I took Janice out to the local baseball stadium for a good ole game.

We had a wonderful time, mostly; well because we were with each other. We are such a good team. In all ways, we complement each other. I can not express enough how absolutely blessed I am to have her in my life. I see a long term relationship here. It is sweet too because she is becoming my best friend. I know it usually goes the other way around, ya know, become best friends then boy friend/girl friend. But it happened this way and I am perfectly okay with it.
I am excited for tomorrow because I am taking her on a walk through my life. Starting at the house I first lived in, to the current situation. It will be neat to show her first hand what made me me!
damn, post something already we are all hanging by pins and needles to find out whats going on