I woke up today and wondered, "humm what will I do on my day off?" I thought that I might go up one of the mountains, but then I remembered that I am at almost 8,000 ft, and so that idea quickly faded. I was laying in my bed when some of the Guest Services interns came into the room and woke up Mike Rudder (sound tech intern) and asked if he wanted to help out with the BLOB. They were going to replace the old shell with the new one that had just come in a couple days prior. Nate (a ropes intern) asked me if I wanted to jump off the BLOB tower once they removed the BLOB. Of course I said, "YES!"

Thesen are the manly men that did all the work. First we got the old BLOB out of the water, deflated it, and took the bladdre out of it. There is a bladder that actually holds the air inside of the actual BLOB itself. When I climbed into the new BLOB to put the bladder into it, it was insanely hot and amazingly sweaty. . . Sweaty, but fun.

You can see me in the far back of this picture. I was 'trying' to help tie down the new BLOB, but I really suck at knots, o mostly, I just floated.

There was a lot of fun. Running, and jumping, and soaring through the air. But, once the new BLOB was put into place, someone had the bright idea to do speed blobbing. . . . In speed BLOBBING, you have to jump every 5 seconds. Even if the person in front of you is not ready. Well, once I had jumped on, and the person behind me jumped. . . . I was not prepared, and I landed on my shoulder/arm in an awkward position.

This was the result. The moral of this story, "Speed BLOBBING is not very safe."
I had a good day off, mostly just hanging around camp chillen with other interns. When it came close to dinner time, I really had a huge urge for Papa Johns pizza. And that is exactly what I got. Me & Andre (another Ropes intern) went into Flagstaff, got an extra large Pizza with all the toppings I like, found a grassy hill near the main road; ate pizza and talked about God & Life. It was a good time. I tried to take a picture of the table/pizza, but by the time I got my phone out, it was too late.

This was the picture I ended up taking. You can not see Andre or the pizza, but you can see the light on the creepy building behind us. On the other side of me was a pretty busy street and a really nice and grassy area surrounded by tree's. It was a really good time, I really like talking to Andre.
That was my day, God is so good!
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