I know that I am long past due for an update and an explanation. The fact of the matter is that I have been extremely distracted, preoccupied, and well to put it to you straight busy with more important things. Janice, the woman who has come into my life has been with me these past six days, and they have been wonderful. I feel like wonderful does not give proper justification to how great it has been. I have learned so much these past six days. First, allow me to share some pictures and then I will jump into what is on my heart.

I got to show her around my university campus.

I had the opportunity to take her on a trip down my past. I took her to all the places I have lived, gone to school, and well just important places in my life. Places that have formed me to be who I am; including experiences and situations that I could really do justice by explaining right on location.

I got to dress up with her and take her to a very fancy restaurant.

After dinner, I got to take her to Jefferson Pointe (outside mall) walk around with her and eventually see a chick flick (500 first dates).

I got to take her to a nice little place downtown called Pint & Slice so I could introduce her to my sister Merideth. It was really wonderful.

I got to introduce her to George.

As well as many of my parents friends, at a bonfire/weenie roast in our backyard.

Okay, heart time. So these six days that Janice has been in Indiana, well they have been so extremely wonderful. The more that time goes by, the more it is solidified that Janice is undoubtedly supposed to be in my life. When I look into her eyes, I see someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Strong words? Yes, I would say they are, but I have given them much thought and feel extremely comfortable saying them.
I want to also say that it is officially official. Janice Hernandez is my girlfriend. It’s true, and pretty darn exciting.
Also, L-U-S-T is a very powerful emotion. One that Janice and I must be ever so careful to avoid and be watchful for at all times. We are going to be in a long distance relationship, and to us that means we have lots of time to continue to strengthen our relationship with God, who must be the pinnacle of our bond if it is to be pleasing (to God) and worthwhile. I would say that the fact that Janice and I are going to embark on this long distance relationship is both a good and bad thing. It is good because it will challenge us both to love each other in ways other than the physical. It will show us and teach us that there is much more to a relationship than touch. Also, it is good because that day to day comfort that we will not be able to provide each other with must be found in GOD!
It is a bad thing because we live 2,196 miles apart and that can be really difficult at times. The distance is a thorny subject because for two individuals who are extremely physical, well it is just so new it can be overwhelming. I took her to the airport in Indianapolis today. It was the most horrible thing ever; saying goodbye, knowing it may very well be months before we hold each other again.
BUT! Fear not, for God is with us, and must be made first. We both accept and trust in HIM. Knowing that he has brought us both this far, and will continue to do a great work in us for our own good.
I start school tomorrow. AHHHHH!!!!
God bless, thanks for reading, G’Night!
I miss you already! I'm counting down the days again! I'm praying for us! Btw its 500 days of summer not 500 first dates. Hehe love you babe!
ReplyDeleteits fun getting the inside scoop, bud.
sounds nice mikey.. glad you had a great visit with janice..you both are lucky people to have found each other.. a heart knows not how many miles away its love is sending, it just knows its in love... thanks for reading
ReplyDeleteGuard you heart above all things for it is the well-spring of your life
ReplyDeleteI really like what my Bible says about Proverbs 4:23: It says, "Our heart--our feelings of love and desire--dictates to a great extent how we live because we always find time to do what we enjoy. Solomon tells us to guard our heart above all else, making sure we concentrate on those desires that will keep us on the right path. Make sure your affections push you in the right direction. Put boundaries on your desires: don't go after everything you see. Look straight ahead, keep your eyes fixed on your goal, and don't get sidetracked on detours that lead to sin."
ReplyDeleteTo me that doesn't mean don't fall in love. I read it meaning; be very careful, and keep God the main focus. Use each other to bless and honor the God that brought you together. eh?
i think your reading to much into it. you found a nice girl you now love. she is a good person, you are a good person. you have good intentions. just run with it man. some of the most overthought situations result in the worst decision.. let yourself be happy. peace