The day started out real good. Working hard, and looking like a
thug (SARCASM) all day long.
Today was a huge day for me and Max. I got to be a part of something so amazing, I just am still blown away at what God has allowed me to get to be a part of. During the first month (session 1) of camp, I got the honor to meet a young man named Max Williams.

Max is all the way to the left. Max has an awesome story of how God brought him to Lost Canyon. Which eventually ended up in him being able to come and volunteer for 2 months here with us. Max has a very similar story to mine. One filled with all sorts of debauchery. Max found comfort in my testimony because he related to it so much. I sort of took him under my wing, and kept close to him. Just loving him right where he was at. But at the same time, in absolute marvel at what God was doing in his life. It showed in a BIG BIG way.

Well, the second week of this session, we were coming out of our morning Bible study and I put my arm around Max and told him how proud of him I was. Max sort of looked down toward the ground and I could tell the gears were spinning in his head. He said to me, "Hey man, there is something I want to tell you." I was like, "Okay, what is it?" Max replied, "Well, ever since the end of first session, I have wanted to get Baptized, and I want to get baptized at the end of this session after the campers go home." I was so excited, but before I could really express it, Max said, "Well, I want you to baptize me. You have had such a huge impact on me, and I don't think I would have sincerely made a commitment to Christ if you wouldn't have been here this summer." I was blown away. I mean, tears welling up because of how grateful I was towards God for allowing me to be a part of something so beautiful.

SO, in front of a crowd of about 55 or so people, maybe more. I held a very short ceremony. I talked about the growth that has taken place in Max and about how the community is what builds up a person to want to do something like this. It was really awesome when I got to say to Max's face in front of all those people how proud of him I was. It was truly amazing.

So, Ryan and I took him in the lake, and before you know it, OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW! 2 Corinthians 5:17 stands so true for max!!

See that smile? That is a Holy Spirit smile if I have ever seen one.

It was a really good thing. A really, really, really good thing. I have a feeling that this won't be the last time I baptize someone. It sure felt right. It was all about Max, but I felt it really affirmed my purpose as well.
been telling you all along son that you have a calling, but nobody wants to listen to me, haha.. take that next step, make that commitment, and go for it.. you really would be awesome and i would imagine your church would have quite the youth group.. its in you, you just have to do it
ReplyDeleteNot only am I starting to listen, but God has been tugging really really strongly on my heart about the subject. I can say confidently that my next step in life after under grad stuff, will be seminary. :o) It has been an exciting summer, filled with personal challenges, a wonderful girl, character training/building, and God's revelation. Pretty awesome summer indeed.
ReplyDeletewell that sounds great mikey. am happy for you and proud of your "feeling" things out. nobody can talk you into, or tell you how good you could be, to a commitment like like. that, ultimately is your choice, and it sounds like you made the right one. congrats. you are a fine young man, still working out your kinks, but no matter your age we all are doing that still. thanks