Dave church is so refreshing to me because it is so genuine. We all really love each other. We all really love the Lord. When you put those two things together, well it is just real good. And I have missed hearing Dave talk. I love taking notes on what the Lord has been teaching or prompting him in. I love reading back on those notes after some time and saying, "ohh yeah," all over again.
Ya know that expression, "take time to stop and smell the roses?" Well, today I didn't smell any roses, but I did take time to look at the sky. The sky was so beautiful today. I think I was on my way to go pick up Adam and his friend when I took this picture.
I took more pictures, but I don't feel like uploading any more. It was a supid plot, but we laughed and enjoyed it for what it was. A "Dude flick." And i'm okay with that.
Janice, I love you. I am so glad you are in my life. You are a blessing to me in more ways than you can understand. I am excited to see what God is going to do in our relationship. Hang in there and know that I am praying for ya all the time. You are constantly on my mind, and I really want to honor God in our relationship. You're the best, and I really hope you enjoyed Dimitri Martin tonight.
G'Night all!
The worship time was amazing. There was dancing, and shouting. People laid on the floor, and sincerely took whatever stance they felt comfortable taking. It was a powerful time with God. A time that felt completely and unavoidably wonderful. I am so glad I got to experience it with Adam (Young Life friend). I am so glad he got to see what I love so much. I feel so at home in a worship time. The challenge is taking that "worship" feeling out of the safety of that room, and bringing it to the average man and woman on the street. The challenging part is bringing that love and joy into a circumstance that seems joyless. Well the challenge is on, and I want to try to do this one to the best of my ability. Dang do I ever. I couldn't help but think tonight, "Man, I really super wish that Janice was with me. I wish she could experience this with me." I even said that to God in prayer. But the resounding answer was that she needs to find that Joy in and through Christ on her own. And for some reason I felt extremely comforted by it. I know she loves the lord, but I can't bring these specific experiences to her. She must first want them, and must have that desire to seek them out in her own life. I just love her and want her to expedience it with me NOW!! That is not how God has it set up though. Not now anyways. And I am just gonna have to be okay with that.
There was one line during a specific song that really hit me.
"In my life, be lifted high"
"In our world, be lifted high"
"In our love, be lifted high"
I can't think of anything I want more than for God to be lifted high in all those things. I lose sight of what is most important so often though. How can I forget so easily what is so important? There is nothing more important. NOTHING! Not family, not jobs, not school, not friends, not success, not desires. He must be lifted high in all things. It is the never ending challenge of dying to myself every single day. With the help of my savior, friend, and counselor, I can do it. I will not fear, for He is with me.
Well look at that, I just completely turned my train of thought around. Thanks BLOG commenter, you left an impact. I still hate Geology though. . .
Today was real good. Real good I say. Every day I find new and unique ways to challenge myself in Christ. Not only for my own personal and Spiritual benefit, but for Janice as well. I am constantly bouncing my eyes off what they ought to be looking at, and really trying super hard to love everyone I come in contact with, no matter how abrasive their personality might be.
God is so active in this camp and in my life. I serve the greatest force in the world. I serve the God who created the Heavens and the Earth. I am proud to be a follower of Christ.
I've been reading 1 Samuel, and it is soo good. Saul just became King, and I am just starting to see how prideful he will be. There is a lot to learn from this book. And i'm going to learn as much as I can.
-G'night & thanks for reading!
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