I believe that my Saturday's, and possibly even Sunday's will be similar to what today looked like. I got up at 8:30AM, took my sweet time getting around, went outside to the back yard to take a picture of the snowman I created with George yesterday for my photography class. Then went directly to school. First the library.

This was my first study location in the library, 3rd floor, next to NO ONE. I was there from 11:15 to 3:30 easily. I took a break, and went to the cafeteria type thing IPFW has and made some pop corn in the microwave. Took a break and enjoyed my corn that I popped. After that I went directly to the 2nd floor of the WALB STUDENT UNION building to my next location.

This was my location from ohhh maybe 4:00 to 6:00. I got a lot of reading done today. I got caught up on my Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), and really understand and remember all the stuff I read from that darn LAW book. Horrible way to spend a Saturday, but considering the circumstances, good as far as study habits are concerned.
When I was on my way to the Smurf mobile (my vehicle), I thought about going to see a movie. I wanted to go and see Doubt with Philip Seymour Hoffman. It is playing at the cinema center, and with my student I.D. I can get in for $3. The pro to this idea would be I could see a movie with an actor that I like. The con would be that I would be by myself. That didn't seem like it would be accomplishing anything for anyone but myself, so I decided to go and hang out with Nicky.

When I got there Nick's brother Jared (my best friend) was there. Along with our friend Ryan, who I use to see quite often, but now he has 2 kids and stays pretty close to g/f, kids, and work. I didn't even know what to say to Ryan really except the usual, kind of strange, "So, how are the kids....." I don't know, it is strange because we use to be a lot closer, and although still very friendly, we live in completely different worlds. It's all good though. After Jared and Ryan left. Nick and I beat the game we have been playing for quite a while, and then played a much less violent game called
Banjo-Kazooie, it was super fun. It is a lot easier to have conversations while playing a game like this too. No senseless killing and violence. Just chill fun. Conversation flows a lot easier. I am real tired, I believe I will retire for the day.
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