Fall 2008
CRN Subject Course Course Title Final
11411 ENG W233 Intermed Expos Writing A
11694 OLS 252 Human Relatn In Organz A
13249 PHIL 111 Ethics A
Ain't they beautiful? :o)
Okay, so back to the grind of my "normal" schedule with 5:22AM start times in the morning and having to be at Lincoln Elementary by 6:30. This is a good thing for me because I really do like being in a schedule. Ya see, if I don't have to get up, it is really hard to push myself to get up. So, the fact that I have a job that forces me to wake up early, well it gets me in a sweet routine and things just seem to work better. Although the break was nice little....well break, it just gave me a little too much freedom to be a lazy bum.
Also, BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) started up again today. It was nice to be back in the group setting and sharing and hearing other men share about what they are finding in the word. Not only what they are finding, but how they are applying it to their lives. LOVE IT!!

awesome grades mike! good job! I will praying for you and your cousin and hope that he makes the right decisions in his life.
ReplyDeleteGreat work and grades.
BTW, I tried the Vicks on my feet thing and it does minimally soften your feet. It may have helped me sleep better too. I also plastered it on chest, my neck, and under my nose.
Take care, keep up the good grades and get well.