I love Wednesdays, because I get to go to Snider High School (Large High School in Fort Wayne where I do contact work at for Young Life). To start off the morning I tried to find a place to cut my hair, the place I went to needed me to make an appointment, so I did. While I was waiting, I went to a coffee shop, didn't buy anything, and just sat, read and took notes.

It was cold in there. It seems like it is cold everywhere.
Then I went to Snider. I love making kids smile and brighten up their day. It is a good thing. I think more people should do that for other people. Everyone would be so much happier if everyone made a slight effort to do for others more than themselves. It is such a good thing.

The kid walking towards me I believe is Eli. He doesn't really have blurry arms and legs. Just the distortion of the image, so STOP FREAKING OUT!! I just walk around Snider, and talk with kids, go to where they are at. Visit them on their turf, speak their language (not the nasty language) speak on their level. It is absolutely amazing what God can accomplish through a willing heart in relational ministry. A beautiful thing.
After I left Snider I got my hair cut. At a barber shop called Karl's Barber Shop. It was good conversation, and good cut's. My hair looks amazing!! I would snap a pic and upload it, but I am freaking tired, not gonna lie.

As soon as I got out of work, I drove to a church parking lot. Parked towards the entrance of the church and started reading my notes for BSF. It is about 40-45 minutes of reading. Really awesome information, just takes me a while to go through. While I was reading, someone drove up to the front of my car, and asked me if they could help me. I said no, I was just doing my Bible Study before I went over and played some video games with a kid through a ministry I volunteer with. I backed up my car, and then he approached me one last time. A real friendly guy, he even invited me to his church. I think i'll go and check it out on Sunday.

Then I went and played some Gears of War with Nicky. I am blasting bad guys in an extremely grusome video game for Jesus. That sounds bad.... But, it's in truth. Plus, I love video games. This is a legit excuse to play them. Nick made a really cool comment at Snider today. It really showed me that he is thinking deeper on certain subjects. That is so cool for me to see. :-) G'Night!!
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