This morning was wonderful. Dave along with his wife Margie and daughter Rachel picked me up this morning and we went to a church downtown called New Life Covenant. It was awesome, and very Christ driven. Very diverse, and people were REAL with their love for the Lord. It was fun, and out of the "norm" for me. The sermon was about breaking rules. Not like rules as in laws or commandments, but as in the socital norms set up through tradition or just how things have been for so long. Like, Martin Luther King Jr. broke laws. He broke the laws of man that said Black's were to be shunned by society, and not accepted. He broke through the chains that held African American's down, or helped at least. Another example would be someone who comes from a long line of drunks in a family, someone taking a stand and refusing to fall into alcoholism like their father, and grandfather, etc. is breaking a rule of nasty tradition. It was way good. THEN...

George and I went to real Dave Church, and it was very good. George took a big step by continuing to step out of his comfort zone, and even spoke tonight. It was very good to see. God is working in him BIG TIME. A real awakening. THEN...

We ended up back at George's house. His niece is so CUTE! Just spending time with George is so good for me. I enjoy being around him, and his Spirit is just really moldable (there is a better word I know, just can't think of it).
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