I went through the day with children. A lot of children. They had a half day at the school I do childcare at. And well, from 11-6 we had um. Luckily, they had great behavior and it was not bad at all. After work, I went and picked up a kid, and we went out to the Landmark Conference & Reception Centre. The last time I was in this place, I had my HUGE fundraiser for my trip to China to have a Stem Cell Transplant.
~~!!CHECK THIS POST OUT!!~~ to see what I am talking about. Well, tonight was Dessert Night. You can see Dessert Night from last year by clicking
~~THIS LINK~~ yes, Dessert night is a night devoted to putting the yearly budget in front of the people supporting Young Life. It is really quite amazing, and sweet to see how people want to support an organization like Young Life. Tonight was little more than amazingly unbelievable. Tonight was...well the definition of giving out of LOVE. Check out this picture.

Yes, we moved up a bit in location. And tonight was really put together super well. Some big deci$ion makers probably made this call. We had a chance to just talk about what we (Young Life) does, and the impact God is having on kids and families in Fort Wayne. We (Young Life) just talked about what we do and how we impact kids. Well, it was great, and it got greater. I was standing at the entrance while people piled in. I saw this one individual (an old man) and told the a female leader standing next to me how I thought that he was the richest guy here tonight. Well, when everything was done and said, it was told in front of everyone that he said he would pay the remaining part of the budget (
$105,000) and then match anything else that was raised tonight after that amount. HOLY WOW!!! I don't know what else to say other than God is sooo Good. That money is going to go to helping kids come to know the Christ that I serve. That money is going to go to serving kids in a way that is very impacting and powerful!! It is so exciting and just sends chills down my spine when I think about what was accomplished tonight out of love.
During the course of the night, I got to interview a kid named Vantrell. Vantrell went to camp, and goes to Snider. He is a Junior, and is a good guy. He is extremely well spoken, and well he did an awesome job. I just kind of interviewed him and made him feel comfortable in front of all those people. I LOVED IT!! God is so good people!! The power is literally limitless. You just have to have the willingness to step out in FAITH, and just get on along for the ride. With God, all things are possible. I AM JUST SO PUMPED FOR WHAT GOD IS DOING IN FORT WAYNE FOR YOUTH AND THE PEOPLE DIRECTLY IMPACTED BY THE YOUTH!!! Nothing but huge smiles coming off this face tonight.

I got a 98% on my Australia presentation. It should have been a 102%, but that is still acceptable.
Good on ya, Mikey. All that work certainly paid off on the Australia project