I had the
Australia group project presentation today in my OLS class. It went extremely good. I am quite satisfied with how everything came together. I think that the extra effort I put really paid off. ALTHOUGH, I do not think I will be putting that much effort into the next group project, unless I have some people working right there with me. The prof said how much he enjoyed our presentation though.

I don't know how to feel about this. I mean, the second I think to myself, "ohh gas is really on the decline, I bet it get's dirt cheap again." It will bounce up to $4.00/gal again. I suppose I will try to say as neutral as possible. Gas is just one of those things I don't try to understand. It will do what it will do I suppose.

When I got out of work, I went straight to school and found a brilliant spot to just sit and type. The English paper got a lot of solid work done to it. Not quantity, but quality. I was in the basement of one of the buildings, where I had no phone reception, which meant no disruptions or distractions. Just typing and thinking, typing and thinking, typing and thinking. BRILLIANT! I took breaks where I visited my best friends g/f at the on campus coffee shop.

It was really nice to take a break and go and have intellegent conversation with someone I enjoy having it with. Perfect break kinda gal, that is what Allison is. :-)
When I decided I was just done, I went on over to Nicky's house (Jared's parents house). To get a little Halo 3 action, and visiting time with Nick. Turns out I had just missed Jared by like 5-10 minutes. It's all good though. Nick and I had fun.

Just in case your are saying to yourself, "dang, I wonder if the veins in Mikey's neck are usually sticking out like that when he is playing a video game?" The answer is....yes ;-) It get's intense, and compared to Nick, I am a
I am going to bed though.
Good to hear that the presentation went well. AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT GAS PRICES AS IT'S REALLY BAD OVER HERE!
ReplyDeleteYou are talking about $1.40 per litre (We are in metric). I don't know what that equates to in gallons but it's BLOODY expensive!
ReplyDeleteokay, so by my calculations that would be $5.29 a gallon!!!! OUCH!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's pretty darn expensive. Gotta love living on the Oceanic Rim!