Matt (cousin) went home on Friday. His dad came and picked him up so he could be home for a bit, so see my cousins (his sisters) little girls and family. Well, he came back yesterday afternoon (his dad, my uncle brought him) because he wanted to be able to go to church at Grace. I was kind of planning on waking up early, not going to church, and going straight to the library so I could get to work on work. BUT, I decided to take him to church instead, because it seemed more important in the grand scheme of things. It was a good decision too!!

It was a sweet service. Ya see, I really like how they do things at Grace, because the physical church building and pastors and elders and what not are really there to facilitate the house churches in every possible way they can. This is awesome, because personally, I believe that is where the real connection with believers and growth takes place. Not in a building you go to once a week and get "preached to." Now, I am not saying that is a bad thing, I just really like the outlook Grace Gathering is taking on the subject. So, today and I think next week or maybe for the next two weeks they are going to have the house church leaders come up and discuss their groups. Things like what the individual groups mission statements are, their names if they have one, what they are doing or will be doing in order to impact the community, and things of that nature. Pretty cool stuff, really got Matt amped for the whole church group body.

After I dropped Matt off at home, it was Library time. It took me entirely way too long to accomplish what I accomplished. I am not going to say how long I was here, or how much I got done, let's just say I could have done better. Sure, I could have done worse, but I could have done much better I believe. Also, I have a headache now.
Grace & Peace!!
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