BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) was awesome tonight. So many awesome points, I just have to share a few. Over the last week we have gone through Exodus 5:1-14 through Exodus 6:26. Some general themes and ideas I have come out with are as follows.
- A right relationship with God requires me to listen to him.
- If I ever establish myself as a (g)od, then I have a problem with the one true God.
- You can't reason with an evil person, because their thinking is confused.
- Whom ever I rely on, my credibility is as trustworthy as their reliability.
"interesting thought" The more costly and precious a sacrifice the Israelites brought to the true God, the ore detestable a sacrifice the Egyptians would see it as.
- I must be careful to pay attention who I turn to during failures and discouragements.
God proclaims several times, I AM THE LORD. With this comes a very powerful statement.
Also, I am working on a POEM for a class/friend. I like how it has turned out, possibly some day I will share it.
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