Ohhh Baby!! Today was so close to Halloween, that we just had to get in on some Costume Party goodness. We totally did too. LOVED IT!! I am crazy tired right now, but I am going to totally post up these pictures and explain briefly how the evening went.

This is the penguin man, I loved this costume a lot. I felt as though it really fit this kids personality as well.

These two ladies won the prize for the "most creative" costumes. They both made their outfits right after school. I was completely impressed of their fine craftsmanship.

This one was really good too. He was an Elephant, although he was walking around more like a mouse. Either way, it was great.

On my way home, I took my buddy Dylan to his house. I took two other kids home as well, but Dylan I got to spend a little bit more time with. I was cruising around his "hood" telling God stories, when I came accross this house. Now, my phone doesn't do this home justice, but it was so bright and lit up. It was really very impressive. And creepy too!!
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