Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here is my TUESDAY

Okay, so in reality, I am only feeling the grind of FINALS week slightly. Compared to some, I have it pretty easy. Now I would bet money (if I were a betting man) that next fall semester I will be singing to a different tune, but for now I am thankful.

Morning (Mass Comm) and afternoon classes (Interpersonal Comm) went normal as can be. When I was going through my BSF notes and lesson for the day, I was captivated. First by the fact that I was working on the start of my 30th BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) lesson. And second because the content was so good. The notes really called out the fact that if you proclaim to be a servant of Christ/Christian, yet continue to live in chosen sin (I don't mean sinless, or not struggling-I am talking about saying you are a Christian, but not turning from your sinful ways) then maybe you are not saved. It was an eye opener to me, and a challenge to live a Holy life. I tried not to point fingers in my mind of people who I think fit that standard, and tried to focus on myself, and how I can improve my walk with Christ.

Then work was good.

After work, I had some time to spare before I went to my 6PM class. So, I just kind of started cruising. I was going through a near by large apartment complex and came upon this vehicle. It caught my eye enough that I stopped and took a picture of it.

Evening class was good, but I am going to have to study the constitution A WHOLE BUNCH for my final in my Law Class.

Then I went tanning. I love tanning, it is so relaxing. While I was laying in there just talking with God, he put on my heart that I should go and hang out with Nicky. And also talk with him about camp, and put out the official invite.So that is exactly what I did. My best friend (Jared pictured to the left), Nick's brother was there for a bit before he had to take off. And I think Nick heard me well. I told him to let me know, so we will see.

I finally got home around 9ish, and felt extremely sad for my mom. She was in a ton of pain. In the picture below, she had passed out, probably because of the pain killers she was taking, but man was she in some intense pain. Poor mom.That was my day. A pretty good day if I may say so myself.

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