Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I swam, I studied, I ate, I drove

My days are filled with activities. I went to the YMCA this morning and worked out, IT FELT GOOD.

I studied, and my brain hopefully retained it (Cuz there is a quiz tomorrow)

I went to work and swam with little kids, then my supervisor told me how good of a job I did while swimming with the little kids. :-)

I filled up my GA$ tank, it was a little under 1/4 tank and I filled it up @ $3.98.oo; I dropped FIFTY BUCKS on the dot!

I must, I must, I must get some sleep tonight. I have a doctors appointment in Indianapolis tomorrow. I wish I had time to see my cousin and my friend Matt, but I am having my mom drive me because I am not 100% confident in my car right now, it has been hesitating at times to start, and I just don't wanna be stuck in Indianapolis when I finally nave to deal with that issue.

Towards the end of the day, one of my super good friend came over because this person needed to talk. We did just that, and all I have to say is, please say a prayer for this person. God will know whats up.


1 comment:

  1. 3.98 sounds good. 4.81 up here in AK. Let us know how your appointments go.
