Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I took a test, tanned, and watched a bat

This morning I took my last Psychology exam. I know one thing, I felt confident on it. I finished it in under 30 minutes, which is about 15-30 minutes than usual. That could be a really good thing, or not so good. I guess I will find out when the test is graded. I do know this though, last night I didn't sleep a wink. And if I actually did get some sleep, that is all it was....a wink. I think because I am constantly thinking about the Arizona trip and my final, I just had too much going on in my brain, and it just kind of raises my stress level. When the stress level raises, I function differently. M/S does not like stress. I am so super tired tonight though, I think I should sleep. This post is coming from my parents computer because mine is in the computer hospital. But I assure anyone that I can post just as successfully on their computer as mine. :-)

I went tanning again today. That would make it tanning experience # 3, and it was for sure a "special one." I sure didn't have a chance of falling asleep in this tanning bed, or closet whatever you wanna call it.

This is the top of the tanning bed/closet/whatever machine. I know it is a little unclear, but there was really low light in there. So, this thing is pretty cool, and maybe not uncommon, but it was new to me. You get in there, close yourself in, and crank up the lights. You just stand there, and get your tan on. LOL. it was kind of awkyard, but cool at the same time. I am fairly PINK but, Abby (girl at tanning salon) assured me it would turn into a nice base tan. ;-)

My friend took me out to eat today at Applebee's. It was good to talk with him, and I got to hear from his heart a little bit. His father is a good man, and lives in my neighborhood. As I was driving home, he yelled at me and I turned around. He gave me a lot of encouragement, and a nice reminder in who I really serve. Mark 9:23 and Mark 11:24.

Good NIGHT, it really was too. I watched Bat Man Begins, and remembered how sweet of a movie it is. NIGHT, for real.

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