Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't let that nasty talk come out

I think i'll revert back to this verse every time I am around someone who is just talking so foul that I can't hardly take it. I got this picture off a BLOG I found that has a daily verse, and a cool/pretty picture to go with it. I love finding cool BLOGS out there that people create, it is so uplifting when you find ones with like minded individuals. It is just very encouraging to know that there are others out there.Dang, my phone was taking blurry pictures for some reason. This was taken during early Saturday morning Bible study/fellowship time with Rich Honnig and some of the male leaders from Young Life. There is always wisdom given and taken during these times.
So, I have been posting pictures of my food the past couple of days. The reason I do this is because I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to create such dishes. As I am preparing them I just think to myself how many people don't even have running water. Look at what I have, I am so insanely blessed!!!! God has given me so much, I must do everything I can to give to others. I just have to.

I went to Saturday night church at Daves house and it was so uplifting. Well, it is every time I go, and I take a lot away from his messages. I feel so strongly about what is going on there. I feel a real sense of discipleship going on with me personally, and it is just a beautiful thing. We got to sing this amazing song, that is so powerful to me. I remember singing it for the first time on a missions trip that I went on with Dave way back when to Mexico. A simple, yet powerful song.
dave church

You can hear a little bit of my voice, and I am sorry about that. But I ain't singing for any earthly ears so I suppose it just doesn't matter, and plus the baby did a good job of masking it. :-)

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