Friday, November 30, 2007

Anti-freeze and Awesomeness

(I don't have a gray cat)
So, the Smurf Mobile (my car) has had a bit of a green runny nose, all over the drive way actually. I decided it was time to take it to get looked at when I could smell anti-freeze when I got out of the car. I kind of had a feeling it was something a little more serious than what I was hoping it would be, but I stayed optimistic. Well I decided to take it to a shop that I trust, and see what they thought. My fears were realized when they told me it had a bad head gasket. Now, this put me in a bad mood for a bit, but I got over it. I got the car for free, so if I can pay $636.51 and it will allow the car to last, then I feel like that is well worth it. I do know that I have tasted the independence that I have been longing for, and I will do anything to keep that. I think that I made the right decision, and I am comfortable with it. The money isn't an issue, and a good job helps. It will be alright. Above all, God provides, i'm most comfortable in that.

I had a great little sit down with Josh V (Young Life staff) this morning at a local coffee house. It was quite refreshing and motivating as I listened to the up beat and excited message he conveyed. The gist of the conversation is that it is time for me to take the next step in my leadership role with the kids. I am so excited that this moment is here, and I am so eager to see where God is going to take this. I am pumped to get to start some lasting relationships with kids where I can just LOVE. It’s really amazing what God can do with a willing participant.

Another thing that raised my spirits was when I had a chance to talk with my friend Mike Gann on the phone. Mike and I became really good friends when I went to school up in Traverse City, MI. We were really close and have continued our friendship even though he now lives in Phoenix. The good news that Mike gave me was about his new JOB! He got a Personal Banker position with Wells Fargo. Mike was interviewing against guys with brief cases and in nice suites, he has no education other than a High School Diploma and a few college courses. There were several interviews that he had to go to, and they didn’t seem to get him anywhere. Then, he gets a phone call from like a district manager of Wells Fargo, and got offered a position. He gets paid like 15/hr plus commission. This is a really good thing for Mike because he is a natural salesman. I could hear the excitement in his voice. He moved to Phoenix with his g/f Kaitlyn about a year and a half ago, and has just excelled tremendously. He has a house; they both have nice cars, a boat and now a career to look forward to excelling in. I’m so proud of him, and totally excited to see where he is going to go with this. I always tell him how much God blesses him. I think he “knows” but feels uncomfortable with an indefinite decision to something that is higher than his own. I love Mike, and without sounding like a father figure, I am super proud of him.

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