Monday, August 13, 2007

Great news, great day, looking forward to tomorrow.

Alright, so my sister Merideth just left. She had to have her friend Courtney drive her over because she locked her keys into her car, and my dad had a spare. While Mer was over she got to tell me some amazingly good news. It's like this. Me & Mer are both adopted. I was lucky enough to be able to get in contact with my Birth mom, aunts, uncles, grandparents, step brothers, and of course Brandy my full blooded sister. Merideth on the other hand was in a little bit rougher of a situation. Both her mother and father died at young ages. She has wanted to find them, or at least some of her past blood. Well, last weekend she went to Columbus Ohio. That is where her Uncle, Grandfather, and Grandmother are buried. She actually got so lucky as to find a tomb stone with her Uncle and Grandfathers picture on it. Now, take a look at this. This is a picture she brought over. Ya see, her and her g/f Chip, A.K.A. Andrea are the ones who traveled to Ohio in search of all this. Mer said Chip is pretty good at genealogy type stuff, and well. I would say so!

If I had a good Photo editing program I would have zoomed in and enlarged the picture of her Uncle so you could get a really good comparison. But, this will do. The upper left picture is of Mer's Uncle. Her dad's brother. Look at the eyes, and the nose. For someone who is adopted, to see evidence like this, after a whole life time of not knowing. Well, it brings closure that most people wouldn't ever be able to understand. On the bottom of the tomb stone, it said "Born in Yugoslavia." My mom and dad drove to New Jersey to pick up my sister. That is where her Birth parents are from. But, her father was born in Yugoslavia. You can definitely see it in Mer. This is just a huge thing. I am so happy for her, and it is an answer to prayers. It really is. God is soo good. Congratulations Merideth! Love you!

Today was good I suppose. Umm, I was reminded early on this morning that some people aren't on the same level as me. That I need to distance myself from some people, even if it means sitting and waiting by myself for 35 minutes. That is just the way life is. As long as everyone can respect each others opinions, things should be fine. I worked hard, and my foreman told me that I was really on the ball, and did a good job. That is always good to hear.

Tomorrow I call Perfection Bakery. The guy told my dad to have me call him. So, we will see what comes of this. Hopefully it works out, and I get the job.....If not, at least I have Vision Scapes. Either way I am covered and good to go.

~Health Update~

My health has not changed since last Monday. I feel the same, which in my opinion is a very very good thing. I am in good spirits, and feel confident about my health. Although, that may be kind of a risky way to feel. Things can change very quickly health wise.

1 comment:

  1. Hey little bro! Thats great to hear about your sister. And we are actually half brothers not step brothers. I was going to tell you, my mens leader and I have been invited to North Carolina to talk with a mens group down there. Pretty exciting. I have never been to North Carolina before and to preach to a group of guys to boot. We serve an awesome God. Well, I'm done. We love you and may God bless you and keep you in his protection and power. May His face shine upon you and help keep you strong. BIG brother Troy
