Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Today i woke up at 6ish. I woke up with a wicked hunger. So, i went downstairs and ate a big bowl of cheerios & Banana. I ate it, set out all my pills & supplements, then went back to bed. I was planning on sleeping till like 7:45, take a quick shower, then have my co-worker pick me up for a day of work. Well, i accidently slept through my alarm, and woke up at 8:15. SO, i jumped out of bed, ran and gobbled up the med's and threw on my work clothes. I then ran to the garage to wait for my ride. I thought he would be there at 8:30...............see all those periods? That is kind of a Metaphor for the time I had to wait in the cold, cold, lonely garage. Well it go to be about a quarter to 9, I decided to give Jason(ride) a call. He sounded like he just woke up, and told me he talked to mark(boss) and that we wouldn’t be going in today. Thanks Jason. So, I had already taken my medicine, and was wide awake. So, I went upstairs, and messed with my phone till late in the afternoon. It was pretty loserish, but I enjoyed myself. Some time passed, I spent 20 bucks on 4 Christmas cards. I am starting to get a little worried also about my funds. Heh, lol, hehe(awkward worried laugh) well, not to worried, I know cash will come up some way, it usually does. Vegas will be here so so so so so soon, I am starting to get pretty ancy. Definitely ready to chill with my guys in Viva Los Vegas!!!!!!

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