Okay, I forgot to do a BLOG POST for Saturday, so I will have to squeeze it into today's post. Saturday was awesome, we had morning sessions, where a really awesome guy named Scott talked. He was not a YL speaker, but a prof. from a Bible College. Very smart, very funny, very in tune. He challenged the leaders in ways I believe they needed to be challenged. Then, we went out into the CITY. Chicago that is.

First we took a train into the city. This picture above shows Ryan sitting across from me on the train, next to some of the other leaders. There were tons of leaders from all over the country. In the picture above you can see leaders from Indiana, Nebraska, and Missouri. Great stuff.

Right into Union Station, which is something I had never experienced before.

Union Station was beautiful, and without having any experience in train stations, I can say with assurance that "they don't make um like this anymore."
We got to go to millenium park. It was so cool. If you don't know what it is, just google millenium park, and you will see what I am talking about. So cool!

This one was my favorite. They have two huge square columns with faces on them. Digital faces of random people in Chicago. Then, every once in a while, water spurts out of their mouth. LOL!! IT IS AMAZING!!! The two columns face each other, and as you can see there is water all over the ground.

Then of course there was the BEAN. Very cool (look it up).
NOW SUNDAYOkay, so for Sunday, we woke up (I could have left that out huh?), went to the morning session which kind of pulled all the ideas and concepts together. Then closed with communion. It was very powerful, I wrote an awesome letter to God during the last praise & worship song. I will share that letter when I get my journal back.

It was a very motivating, and awesome YL conference. I totally loved it and got a lot out of it.
After everything was over, Ryan & I had a decision to make. Ya see, we had befriended two girls named Kaytlin & Heather from Nebraska. Their flight did not leave till later, like 6ish. And it was like 11ish when everything got over. Should we go home, or go out to eat with the girls, and drop them off at the train station? DUH!!

Kaytlin is to the left and Heather is to the right.
Then, Ryan and I drove home. It was good. . . . .
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