George came over too, we talked and hung out before I had to go back to work. Which, I did right at 3PM.
At work, the girls were extra touchy, mostly with me. I was bombarded!! They also told me that I needed to shave. Maybe if I wake up early enough tomorrow, I will do so. But, they all wanted to style my hair, I don't know if they knew or cared that I don't really have enough hair to style, but it did not seem to stop them in the least bit.

When I left work, I headed on to campus (IPFW). I had a 5:30PM meeting with my academic adviser. I got all my classes situated for my fall semester. It will be really good, but a super FULL BOAT. 16 hours is what I will be taking. And challenging classes too. I might have to get a Spanish Tutor. :-O But, i'll cross that bridge when it comes.
And this is the testimony: God gives us eternal life; he who has his son has eternal life, he who does not have the Son of God does not have eternal life. 1 John 5:1-5
Yesss, I just typed that from memory. I think i've got it! Pretty plain and simple.
After I met with adviser, I went to BSF. It was good tonight, but Jack, the usual lecture giver, was not here. I miss hearing him talk. He just really knows how to give it, but Keith (replacement) did a really good job in his absence.
What service or task is God preparing me to do??
That was the main question. The lecture ended with this note that I really liked.
**What ever God is prepping me for is far better than any thing I could settle for.
That is pretty plain and simple and I like the ending quote as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd this life is in His Son
ReplyDeleteClose but no cigar