Okay, so for the most part, today was filled with me going to work, and then coming home to the AMISH unloading a bunch of shingles on the roof. Not only did they unload the shingles, they cut out large sections of roof for a couple of sky lights. Check it out.

This process is pretty cool. Now I use to drive for the Amish when I worked on a crew my senior year of high school, I had just graduated and was waiting to go to school in Michigan. So, I am fairly familiar with this whole process. There is a guy (pictured above), with a little remote control thingy he is holding, and he just picks the shingles up off his truck, and disperses them all over the roof where ever they need to go.
So, I mentioned the sky lights, now this was in complete deserving of mention on the BLOG. Again, check this out.

Yea, so he brings his 6ft ladder, and his saw zaw and just starts cutting. As you can see, he is fairly confident with his cut and ability. And he should be, those cuts were so perfectly straight and I was just amazed.

so BAM!! It went just like this. It got cut out pretty darn good. Then, he did it again right next to it. The final project looks great.
I left the house shortly there after, and went and worked out at the Y. Then I went to work, as soon as I got out of work, I went directly to Ryan's house where I hopped in his Grandma's car, and we left for Chicago.

The day was perfect to drive long distances. It was like 72 degrees, and just a beautiful day. We enjoyed the drive and each other. Ryan is another Young Life leader in Fort Wayne. He is not doing work at the same school I am at, but working his way into another school in Fort Wayne where YL does not yet have a strong presence.

Finally we arrived, and boy ohh boy did it feel good. There was about 200+ individuals just like me, who love the Lord and love impacting young people with the message of Christ. It is very powerful just to be around a large body of people just like yourself. Just like yourself meaning they want the same things in life. . . kind of, were all different, but aww you get what I mean.
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