Yea, I don't think I am going to call it Easter Sunday anymore. I sometimes forget why we have all these "holidays" in America. Easter, definitely has hardcore pagan roots, and it's really kind of messed up that we so openly accept it in churches through out America. But, it is what it is. I do not believe that people know what Easter is really all about, so that is where it get's kind of cloudy. But, I would just bet that Satan would really rather have it that way.

No matter what Easter is or isn't. Today, I got together with Family to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. What a day to celebrate too. The picture above is of the drive to Nappanee, IN. It is about a 1.5 hour drive North West from Fort Wayne. I went with my parents, because they like it when we all go to church together on this day. It gave me time to finish up this weeks BSF study. All done with Numbers. What an awesome book! I am so glad I was in BSF. I don't think I would have gone through the Old Testament in such an awesome way without it. I have learned so much, and wow has it been good to get the ROOT's of Christianity. I mean seriously, I think everyone needs this.

This morning I went to Nappanee Missionary Church, which is the church that my Aunt Jackie & Uncle Steve (Aunt & Uncle's house I went to today) go to. It was a real good sermon. It was not ground breaking, but I believe that if a sermon contains Truth, then it is as good as you make it. I think the "making it" part should be the application that takes place in an individuals life. It was based around 1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrafice for our sins. This got the pastor talking about this specific type of life called Zoe. There is life-which is the living breathing saved or unsaved type of life. Then, there is the LIFE, which is what is inherited after acceptance of Christ. He talked about that for a bit, and if you want to read/learn more about that, I found a good site for a good reference
~CLICK HERE~ for that. Then he got to talking about what does real and sincere LOVE do to a person. Well, it causes drastic change. Anyone who has been deeply in love with someone can relate to this. For me, if I fall in love with a girl, I mean really head over heels for her, it will change the way I approach her, my body language, maybe I will style my hair and shave every day. Well, once you fall in love with Christ, this happens too. You treat people differently, you love people differently, because He loves you so much. It's true, it really is. Then, lastly, the ultimate exampl of love was given. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. Want a present day example, well without the whole forgiving of all of man kinds sins example. . Think about the captain who let the Serbian pirates take him hostage so that the crew could be let free, he gave his life so theirs would be saved. Bingo, no greater love, except for that of Christ Jesus.
Then I went to my Aunt & Uncles house.

I got to hide 55 eggs, with the help of some of their dad's of course. It was so much fun to see them scatter. It was especially fun to see them help other find eggs. One of the little girls, even gave away some of her eggs to another little one who didn't have very many. I LOVE IT!!

Little kids love candy, ohh even big kids love candy. ;o)
Then we (mom, dad, & I) drove home. There was a lot of healthy talk. Talk about Merideth, about me, about health, about life, about family, about future, all kinds of things. Today was a good day.
sounds like you had a very family filled day! That's good! :)