It is Saturday morning, I got onto campus to the 24/7 computer lab at about 7:10AM.

What got me out of bed so early on a Saturday morning? Well, to be perfectly honest, my cousin Matt did. He had mandatory overtime at work, and I told my dad I would take him. I did this with the thought that I needed something to get my butt out of the house early to get working on my paper, since I neglected to do so yesterday. I am super frustrated right now. It is 10:58AM, and I have not gotten much accomplished. This paper for my English class needs to be 22-26 pages long. BUT, it is broken into 4 individual papers based around one main topic. My main topic is "How to love yourself." The four individual papers are...1.) Loving yourself in Christ 2.) The golden rule 3.) Loving yourself through difficulties and pain and 4.) I have no idea yet....
I feel so strongly about this topic, but I am having one (excuse me) HELL OF A TIME PUTTING IT ALL INTO WORDS!!!!

All of my ideas are based around the teachings of Christ. I know how to live them all out. I just am having a ton of trouble writing them all down in an intelligent and scholarly way. This is horrible, I love to wright, but this paper is making me despise it.
It is now 11:05AM, I merged into the library, and I am now taking a break to BLOG out some frustration real quick. DARN THIS PAPER!!! I should have chosen a topic that was shallow and meaningless to me. Not really, but I am frustrated like crazy right now. I think I am going to take a break at 11:30 for lunch where I will eat, pray, and go back to a place of writing that appears more to be an external expression (writing) of an internal emotion (the love I carry for myself and others) I really am full of. I'm just glad i'm not full of, know.......SHIT.
So after I typed for what seemed like an enternety(10 hours) I heeded a physical break. So I went to go tanning. It was relaxing and I nodded off a couple of times while I was in there.

When I left there I planned on going home, picking Matt up(my cousin) and taking him downtown like we had discussed this morning when I dropped him off for work.....BUT, apparently matt had other ideas. Which is perfectly fine, because the man in 29 years old, and the decision making is all on his side. BUT, my father and I both inconvienced ourselves for him.....which again, is perfectly okay. Matt & I talked about it and we are both going to work on better communication.
Well, I still wanted to go to the movie. So I had some time to kill since VERIZON didn't have time to update the software on my phone (it has old software from April 17th which causes it to randomnly shut off), so I went to target to waste some time.

While I was there I decided to do a little promotional advertisiging of my own. I still have this graphing calculator for sale, and I am not getting any interest on it. SO.........
Call or text
for a gently used
TI-84 Plus, no
wire or CD for $60Now, I am not stupid, and the probability that someone will actually call or text me is really low. Chances are someone will think that it is stolen or something worse and won't go for it. But, hey, if someone wants to save $50 on a perfectly good calculator that has additional video games on to it, they need to just give me a call!!!
Even though my cousin was not with me, I still wanted to go to the movie.

The movie was amazing, and everyone should see, or rent on DVD Transsiberian!!! Just trust me, it is action packed and you never know what to expect!!! It rocks hardcore.
Well, after this I still had to go to a party put on by my best friend and his roommates. AHHH!!! This is where the "problem" Started. I went, I enjoyed the "ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW" themed party, and it was.....well weird.

If you don't know or care what The Rocky Horror Picture Show is, then don't worry about these pictures...and don't judge me. But if you do know what it is, then just SOAK ALL THIS UP!!!

Well, since I was not drinking, the one in the middle, Marty asked me if I would go and pick up some of his friends. I of course agreed, and went to go get them. They were all, already drunk. Robbie (one of the friends) was super drunk and not ready to get in the car because he wanted to finish his beer. I said it would be perfectly okay, and went inside to wait with them. I was pre-occupied and guess what I did........................I locked my keys in my car. OOOPS!!! Long story short, robbie tried to help, but shattered my window. The first thing I said after it shashed all over the ground, seat, floor, and everything was this, very calmly I said, "well, I can take you guys to the party now, door's open." He was super upset, and I said no big deal let's just get going. That was my day. And just because I was the Designated Driver doesn't mean I don't have my deamons of my own. They come in all different shapes and sizes. :-)
God Bless!!
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