Well, when I decided that I had watched enough of the movie and needed to go work out at the YMCA to get rid of some of the food I overdid myself with the past 2 days, I did just that. Here was my plan......Go work out, shower, go to school's 24 hour student computer lab & write paper, go home. Well, I went and worked out, but when I got to the 24 hour lab, I realized I forgot my notes for the paper. SO, instead of writing, I went to the tanning bed.
I went home and did my BSF studies.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship."
Now after reading that, I realized that even when something concerning my body doesn't matter to ME, it always matters to God. It goes hand and hand with my FEAR (respect) of God. If I really respect God in the deepest and most meaningful way, then I will obey his command to allow my body to serve as a living sacrifice to Him. A living sacrifice is also brought into a new light as I read and learn about the Ark of the Covenant, and its importance in the lives of the Israelites. My body becomes just as important in real life 2008. All the ways I treat it directly speak my genuineness or the opposite to Christ. This is a brave and impacting lesson I have learned from a verse I have read a million times. Thank you God for showing me new things on an old verse.
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