I wish I could say in this BLOG post that I got a lot accomplished today. It would be a lie though. I got a little (emphasis on LITTLE) bit of writing done. I am going to have to really hunker down tomorrow as soon as I get out of class tomorrow in the AM, it is straight to the computer lab, and I am taking my thesaurus with me.
My flesh is feeling a little bit ripe.
Yes, today was day # 2 of my tanning sessions. Once I get that base tan back, then this slight discomfort I am feeling will go to the way side. I decided to start tanning again, because I looked at my "white boy" thigh's when I worked out, and felt discraced by them. I will put an end to their whiteness. Ohh yes!!! BE GONE WHITENESS!!!
Love you readers!!!! I really do. :-)

Love you readers!!!! I really do. :-)
What is the schedule? :)