Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Went to Snider, slight work, IRON MAN

I went to Snider today, as I have been doing for the past many Wednesday's. Today will be my last time at Snider for the year. It is kind of sad, but kind of awesome because I will have all of next year. Also, it means I am that much closer to going to Arizona and then taking our kids to Michigan. I am so totally stoked.

Today we were suppose to have this last Young Life BASH for the ending of the semester. "sigh" It was cancelled because of the nasty weather. Probably a good idea, but a bummer.

I went to work for a few hours.

THEN, I took some of the guys I regularly chill with to the movies to see IRON MAN which was totally rocking!!! The guys loved it, but more importantly I LOVED IT. Just kidding, it is equally important, but I did really love it. You can click the red IRON MAN to see a kicking preview. The movie was quite tantalizing, kind of slow to start, but once it got going.....hold on tight!Maybe they are just a little camera shy. LOL. Or, it could be that they think I am a big dork for always wanting to take pictures of everything. Whatever the issue may be, I am going to go to bed. I am quite tired.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikey, thank you for letting me into your life. I am from the land downunder, and have 3 beautiful sons, my middle boy has MS. Joel is 26 and was diagnosed when he was 16. My 18 year old, Beau, decided to make a short film about how MS has impacted on both their lives.

    The MS Society entered his film into a Young Filmmakers competition and it won Best Director. It has been shown all over Australia and has brought much awareness about this rotten disease to many people. It is also on Youtube "Our Guru of Surfing".

    The boys also went to see Iron Man and loved it. We live a hectic, funny, crazy life, and MS just happens to be an add on.

    Love and happiness from my family to yours,

    Kerry Eastman,
