I go to work this morning at 6:30AM on the dot. I open up the building and deactivate the alarm system. Then I got to work, putting edges on the mulch beds and things of that sort. John (facility manager) and I got everything around for the volunteers that were suppose to show up at 8:00. Well some did in fact show up, but hardly in hoards like I was hoping. The good news was that one super nice and attractive chicka showed up, I was in a small group with her a long time ago. It was nice to get to work near her when I had the chance, she is a real sweet heart, a teacher too, not that-that does or doesn't have anything to do with the sweetness of her heart (does that make sense?).

Tonight was Dave Church, and it was very nice and encouraging. It was an evening of prayer, for the people there. It was nice because we got to talk through our current struggles and prayer requests. Then, as a group we prayed for each other. Very humbling to have other people pray for you right in front of you. Especially when they connect to you in prayer. I have felt this happen many times when the person praying for you is sincerely caring about you and your struggle. Rachel (daves daughter) and Gavin (another couples son) took a very cute picture for me tonight.

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