I hope this doesn't gross anyone out, but I would really like it if someone could explain in great detail just how exactly did this guy manager to do this "trick?"
Ohh I had a good day today. Worked nearly 12 hours. I was at work throwing fert @ 6:30AM, and didn't leave until 6:45PM. If it wouldn't have been for that 30 minute lunch, I would have been over the 12 hour mark.

After work I went home, ate some food, and then went tanning. Stupid me wore a beater at work today and I have the perfect outline of my beater. That was just the thing I was trying to work out of my tan, and now it is back bigger and brighter than ever! AHHHHH! You just can't win sometimes. When I was coming back from the tanning bed, I saw this rocking hot rod!! CHECK IT OUT!

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