I got a chance to visit with Sara's roommate Amanda, and her close friend Jena. They seem like really solid friends, I would say she is lucky to have such close friends. Sara, and I went out for some very nice lunch at the Olive Garden. Then I was off to her campus to check out Walsh. It is a super nice University, and the campus is beautiful.

It was really good to finally go see Sara. I have been promising her time and time again that I would make the treck, but because of my schedule and past car problems, I just was not able to make the trip. I AM SO GLAD I DID! Sara seems to be in a really good place, solid, trustworthy friends and a good apartment along with a job at Cheeseburger in Paradise seems to be a pretty good set up for an equally good College time.
The drive home was a lot less brutal. I got some directions that Sara said she would have taken, and followed them. They worked marvelously, and it is not a difficult drive at all. Silly high tech GPS! So because I was in such a good mood driving home, I decided to take some video footage. I just threw on some Techno and head knocked the WHOLE WAY HOME! Check it out...
So it was a good trip, well worth the craziness on the way up. Which by the way, I got so frustrated on the way up I took out a little anger out on my poor horn. I just hit it super hard until some of that inner frustration was let out. (it was late and I just wanted to stop driving) So I just beat the horn......now my horn doesn't work anymore. :-(
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