Today was pretty slow. I did a good job watering the grass, after I got the sprinklers set up, I would sit on the grass and watch them for a while.........then go inside and forget they were on. Watch some television, get bord, then get on the computer and write E-Mails. I am loving it, I just wish I could figuer out a way to get paid..........I will have to brain storm on that one. I did find out why I haven't been called in for an interview at the Bakery though. Turns out the guy who hires and fires people had a death in his family, his father. So, this whole time(week and a half) I thought I was getting the cold shoulder, and only thinking of myself, turns out he had something really difficult happen in his life. Do I feel selfish. Well, towards late afternoon, my buddy Andy picked me up. When we were en-route to pick up some pizza, we saw this.

It was so huge I couldn't capture the whole thing on my screen from where we were sitting. But it was definately a half circle and it was really clear colors. Isn't it good luck to see a rainbow?
I dunno, after that I went back to Andy's for a bit. Where I played with Moose the cat. Moose is an outside cat, but it always comes home when it's hungry and isn't busy roughing up the local racoons and what not. Moose is a baller, love this cat.
Yea, he is one cool dude.
Tomorrow I should be going to St. Louis with Andy. His lady friend is having her gradtuation party, and we are gonna go. It'll be real fun.
hey there mikey! just wanted to say it sounds like your spirits are lifting some out of the "dark" place you had yourself for a couple of days. But ya know, it's ok.. life is an emotional roller coaster.. we have our ups, downs, sometimes those downs that take our stomach and breath, even our upsidedowns! and before you know it, life comes to a stop, just for you catch a breath and it starts all over again!! know what i mean? just remember to keep your eyes focused on GOD, and everything else comes into play. maybe not our way or time, but always in GOD's way and time. sometimes as a test, sometimes as a lesson, sometimes just because!! have fun on your trip!! and behave!!! love, amy.... mahaley says hi uncle mike! JD is waving to ya to!! lol..