After this strange event, I got on my computer and started answering E-Mails. I love doing that, people writing asking me questions about the stem cell treatment, about fund raising, about how I am doing. It is all very good, and I am so happy to be able to do it. I also talked to someone who got in contact with me before I went to China. His name is Carlos, he lives in Chicago. I have kind of agreed to help him get started with fund raising. He was involved in a car accident a 2 or 3 years back. Him, his wife, and his "at the time" 2 or 3 year old girl were traveling to I think...South Dakota, and he fell asleep at the wheel. Wife and daughter not hurt at all, he is paralyzed from the waist down with little movement in his hands and fingers. I want to help him, I have to try. I feel like I am suppose to.
So, through the rest of the day went a little something like this. My friend Nate Baldwin called me, and stopped over and chilled with me and Chris for a bit. We were outside the front of my house sitting on the hood of Nate's car, and the back of Chris's car, when my friend George Doublas drove by. He stopped by, and started talking with us too. Got us all up to date on everything that has been going on, it was good stuff.
Then, me and Chris went and saw Transformers! It was amazing, I advise anyone who likes a good movie to go see this. I was impressed. I took this picture with my phone.
Yea, I took that picture in the theatre with my cell phone. Pretty rad, I know.

It is BLOG's like today's that will probably make me question my sanity when I look back on it some time in the future. I heard that phone ring, I will swear over a Bible.
I can tell you now, you are crazy.
ReplyDeleteMichael, i believe you are straight out your mind. God bless.