Today started off like this. My friend Tyler Morningstar picked me up and I got to go back to my church. I was so happy because I haven't gone to it in such a long time, and it is in a new building that I have never been in before. It was so cool. Ohhhh, and before I forget, I had to make a correction to an earlier BLOG. Last Tuesday on "it was a hot one today" I put some false information. I said that
last saturday I got an OWI when I meant to put, last September I got an OWI, I definately confused some people, and that is my bad. I have learned my lesson.
Today I got to go to my friend Jason Burdick's new house. He bought a mobile home for 6,000 from an old lady who had to move to a retirement home. I know what you are thinking, you are thinking ohhh it is probably a piece of crap, and looks nasty bla bla bla, well you are WRONG! It is nice inside, and well maintained. The only bad thing is, it is like 70 feet away from the rail road tracks. So it can get kind of noisy at times. he he, but ohh well.
Then I went to my friend Tony's, and had another bon fire, we roasted hot dogs, and talked. Tony is trying to sell his awesome car.

1992 3000GT VR4, it's got like 127,000 miles on it. All wheel drive, 4 brand new tires on it, comes with the 4 chrome stock rims, with 4 replacement tires. Interior is getting kind of old, but still looks good. Runs like a champ, well maintained. Tony has gotten this car up to 160MPH stock. Just think what you could do if you put some time and money into the engine. Tony is asking $7,000.oo for it. If you are interested, call Tony. (260)460-7229. Very nice car, I wouldn't put it on my BLOG if it wasn't a nice car.
MS UPDATEAlright, I know I said in an earlier BLOG that Church is where I first felt the tremors, and it would be awesome if that is where I noticed that they went away. Well, in church today I did feel them come on after a while, but...In all seriousness, they didn't feel near as strong. So, I think that is a good sign, and hopefully just the start of what I notice changing in my body.
hey dork-i was just reading some of your blogs and you said somethin bout feeling tremors at church.. but you never said if you did or not! lol-miss you and hope to see you SOON!!