I gotta hurry, cuz I should really have my computer powered off. There is a huge Thunderstorm moving through, and IT ACTUALLY HIT FORT WAYNE!! It has been like a drought here for the past month. Check it out. I took these pictures at like 12:30AM, so it was pitch dark out.

This was from my back yard, as you can see it is raining cat's and dog's. I love thunderstorms. CUZZZ, check this picture out.

I got this one at just the right time. It took me like 13 try's, but I finally got it. Right when the lightening struck, the lense opened at just the right time. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
I talked with my friend Sara on the phone today, and it looks like next weekend me & my friend Brad are going to go to Cedar Pointe for some roller coaster time! FREE TICKETS BABY!!
I am hoping that I hear from the bakery soon, to know if I should start looking for a job, but in all reality, I think the bakery will work out, I just have to be patient. ALSO, I hope to hear from the Indiana Center for MS, I am going to see about getting off this Avonex.
wasnt that storm last night awesome?! i was playing Firefly...but ended up watching the storm instead. the power here at IPFW went off over on campus, the dorms walkways were completely pitch black too