I stayed home today. I needed sleep and cold sores were infesting my face. But, that is neither here nor there. I want to talk about how I had success in Christ today. As soon as I got home from working with the little kiddies I took a nap. I actually took a nap with Oliver (my moms dog). I just passed out right on the couch, and Oliver was right next to me. It was cute. But, after I woke up I started watching a little bit of T.V. Just a little bit, I swear. Anyways, I was tempted, tempted in purity. I knew I had a chance to make, seek first his kingdom or go after what I wanted. It was so cool, I just sat up, shut off the t.v. and started saying as many Bible verses in my mind as I could remember. The last one I said was 1 Corinthians 10:13 "And no temptation as seized you except what is common to man and God is faithful, he will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear, but when we are tempted he will give us a way out so that we may stand up under it." I typed that from memory, so it may be a few words off. What matters is that it gave me this whole new outlook. I had this deep desire to grab my Bible study, and that is what I did. Good timing God, my Bible study lead me to Psalm 119:9 & 11 Now I had not looked ahead yesterday when I started my notes. 119:9 says
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. And :11 says 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Now when I read these two verses, along with the verses in my John study, I just had this grin on my face. God is a great God. He gives me what I want, when I need it. I just must choose to seek it.
Then I studied SPANISH.

I studied a lot of Spanish. Me no likey Spanishey. The day ended with Young Life CLUB.

It went really good. Josh, my area director is so good at giving a YL talk. I think I can get to that point. I don't know if I will ever be good at the whole acting thing, but I can do the talk I feel. I dunno, it's whatever. Tomorrow I am super unprepared for my classes. Spanish took priority today.
the temptation to blow through a stop sign, when you could cause a accident and hurt or kill someone, is no differant than the temptation of the sins of the flesh you refer to... you have to obey all the laws, not just the ones that suit your purpose.. we can't pick and choose what we should "obey" or "follow".. if its wrong its wrong..
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. Sometimes I get complacent and unfocused. You are 100% right though.
ReplyDeletethanks for the reply mikey... kinda miss our occasional random banter back and forth.. but it really was not meant to be, and i am well aware of that.. things appear to be going well for you and that is great.. makes me happy.. hope you will continue to work at listening to, and considering other points of view, and taking it all in, to help you with expanding your thoughts to include everyone and their thoughts on life.. not just those in your "group" who are easy to accept and model after.. an open mind is like a open book, full of so many differant translations and interpretations and so many differant people to learn from.. you just need a open mind and a ear to listen.. Blessings Mikey to you and your life...
ReplyDeleteYa know, it's not funny that you would say that, because I don't think that anything is "ironic" in life. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason. I have been reading this book called "The Tangible Kingdom" and it has been talking about that same concept. Dang, I need to do that better. I desire to do that better. But, I suck at it. I really am working on it though.
ReplyDeletedon't quite understand you reply mikey.. please elaborate...
ReplyDeleteLike what you were talking about. Considering what people have to say on all different walks of life, and people just in their daily life. I have a deep desire to do that better. I just struggle sometimes with letting that come first. I want so badly to love people right where they are at in their lives, that sometimes I get mixed up. Sometimes I will try too hard to tell them about Christ or something, and I forget to love them right where they are at in life. I don't know if I am explaining this any better. Am I?
ReplyDeleteyep you got it.. that was the point i was trying to make..