Today was the first CLUB of 2010. It was amazing. My skit idea didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but, it was pretty friggin funny still. I horribly failed my Spanish quiz or exam, I don't know what it was. I just know I bombed it. Bombed it horribly. Bombed it something horrible. I just don't care. I don't know how I am going to make it through 2 more semesters of this. I would rather have my pinky finger cut off than learn Spanish. I have no motivation to learn/study it any more. It sucks. . .
Back to CLUB though. It really was amazing. Check it out.

I was taken by how many kids showed up tonight. There was diversity too. Kids from all different walks of life, nationalities, and all. There were freshmen, and it was so good. Dang, I am just so pumped for what God is bringing to YL Fort Wayne.
I gave the talk tonight. I shared from my heart, but don't feel I did very good. Who knows though. If it touched one kids heart, it was all worth it. I just don't know though. Maybe i'm too hard on myself. LOL, one of my signs though for doing good is a leader or multiple leaders will come up to me and mention something about my talk. No one mentioned anything about my talk tonight. Maybe I didn't prepare enough. . . I don't know. I am super tired, and tired of thinking. Janice is pretty stuck in my head right now too. I wish life was simpler. Or, maybe I should say I wish I allowed myself to allow life to be simpler. Seriously.

Check out the final cut of the characters. Pretty "SHIBBY!"
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