Okay, so I was lazy at the start of the day. But, around noon'ish I got around and at 1:15 I met with my Young Life area director and we had ourselves a good little meeting. Really setting the tone for the semester. I am excited to say the "least." And this meeting went to about 2:30'ish. As I left, I remembered that I was going to meet up with Austin & Eli to practice his presentation for something he and his friends call, "Young Young Life" or "Real Talk." It is really pretty amazing, it is a handfull of high school guys who get together every week at someones house, talk about God, and end with a verse. It is student lead, and YL leaders are not allowed. It is totally legit, I am freeking proud of these guys.

After I hung out with Austin & Eli, I took Eli home and then went to Spanish class. Spanish class got over and I headed off to BSF. I have to hurry to BSF now because this semester Spanish class starts at 5:30 instead of 4:30. And it is not on campus, it is at an elementary school kind of on the other side of town. So, as I am driving to BSF ("Bible Study Fellowship") I am kind of hurrying. And, well NPR wasn't cutting it as far as what I wanted to listen to. 88.3, the Christian station wasn't cutting it either. I just felt like listening to some hard base. So, I put on the hip-hop station and what happened? Well, I heard a song that so completely reminded me of Janice that I broke down a little bit, you know like the icky feelings in the tummy kind of remembering.
I got over it though, and went to BSF. BSF is a really great thing
in my life. I am so grateful for the men who make it up, as well as
the teachings I walk away from daily while taking part in it.

I took this picture during prayer time. Maybe i'm not supposed to take pictures during prayer time, but I did. I love this picture because it is hundreds of Christian men bowing their heads in reverence to the God of the universe. It is a powerful thing. Seeing all these men coming together to seek God. Powerful in deed. John Chapter was good for the past week. It was real good.
Once I got home I was sitting with my dad eating Ice cream. I got a text message from Janice. It said, "Hi Mikey." What ended up happening was she needed clarification on what our "break up" actually meant. I ended up calling her, and it was very difficult to hear her voice. But, it was not something I could do over the phone. I stuck to my guns, and even though I wanted to be there for her and comfort her, even in the midst of that, I still felt peace. Knowing that I made the right decision. And though it is still a very difficult situation, I know it is the right one. Even though at times I want to scream a little bit, I know I made the right situation. Truly I do.
Ohh, and one more great thing to add to the listing of the days events. Austin asked me if I would be the one to actually dunk him under the water when he gets baptized!! :-O I felt so blessed!! I can't believe God keeps allowing me to see his power and might at work in the lives of the people he loves so dearly. It is an amazing thing to be a part of.
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