I am dealing with many difficult things with YL kids. Being intimately in the lives of high school kids is not easy. BUT, it is very fulfilling. :~)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
st. peters
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I was driving to school to finally get some work done, it was like 5ish. When I got close to school I got a phone call from Mer. She was crying, I couldn't believe it. The last time I heard Mer cry was when I was very young. I ended up going over to her house to talk. I did that, and i'm confused at what God is doing. I'm just trying to do what is right. I am confused and hurting, but seriously just trying to do what is right for Mer. To love her, sincerely love her in a way that allows her to experience Christ through me. I don't say that in a prideful way, quite the opposite actually. I want her to have PEACE in her life. . . .
Friday, February 26, 2010
It happens, and i'm glad
After I dropped George off, I went directly to Snider High school to pick up Casey. I have been promising Casey that I would take him to go out and get a bunch of applications for different places, like especially fast food places near Snider & his home. Well, mission accomplished. He got like 11 or 12 applications. And so that is a good thing. Hopefully this is all going to work towards the goal of him being able to pay for and drive a truck that his Aunt said she would give to him. "fingers crossed"
After I dropped him off at his parents place, I tried to hang out with a couple of other kids, but it was not working out. So, I texted Ryan, and he was chillen with this dude Kyle from the high school he does contact work at. They were at IPFW in the Student Union building, so I headed over that way. That is Kyle on the far end of the picture. The story gets sort of complicated because his grandmother is a jehovahs witness. And, well she doesn't want him doing anything that is not associated with jehovah witnesses. All else is worldly and not to be messed with. So, Young Life was not too appealing of an idea for her. But, I know God is working in this situation. And Kyle sure is interested. So, we will see what God has planned in all this. It will be sweet though.
The night ended with me going over to Ryans house, and we watched The Informant with Mat Damon. It was dry, but right up my ally.I left Ryan's house pretty late. The roads were pretty bad, as it had been snowing for the majority of the evening. Long story short, I was very near my house when I happened to come across a vehicle in a very peculiar position in an area that there was not a road because of a bunch of road construction. I pulled over to my bank, which was very near the car & a safe place to park. I walked through the snow over to the car and as I looked at the tire tracks, I immediately thought to myself "this driver is most likely drunk." As she saw me approaching, she got out of her car and as soon as she said her first word. I was correct, she was drunk. I looked closer at the vehicle, and knew she/we had no chance to push it out. I was also worried for her, if a cop drove by, she would get a D.U.I. for sure. I told her it would be best for her to get out of there and deal with it in the morning. I offered to give her a ride home, and on the way to her house, she sort of broke down. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe she just really needed to vent. Needless to say, it was my job to listen and comfort on that ride home, and in that driveway. That is what I did. I feel like I represented Christ in a great way, and helped her keep her nursing position as well as get her out of a sticky situation. I could say a lot more, but I think that is enough. Good day, Great God.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Circle experience # 2
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It pays to seek His kingdom
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
study, exam, bar, ticket
Monday, February 22, 2010
toothbrush & a Bible study + horrible event
Trevor Wendzonka, spokesman for the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department, said Naleta Joy Yoder, 12, of Goshen died at the scene of the crash around 7:55 a.m. The vehicle, an SUV, slid out of control on the slick road and crossed the center lane to hit a northeast-bound vehicle. The SUV Yoder was in then caught on fire.
Yoder was riding in the rear on the passenger side, where most of the impact occurred.
"The car was fully involved. Patients were laying on the ground. Bystanders tried to get her out and they couldn't," said Galen Ramer who was one of the first on the scene with the Foraker Fire Dept.
Well, one of those bystanders was my Ken, my cousins husband. He is a farmer and was taking a load of corn/soybean to the bins when he came up on the accident. He was there when the SUV burst into flame. He was there as him and others tried frantically to get the 12 year old girl out of the vehicle but couldn't. To make things even worse it was one of my other uncles niece. It is a small community, but jeeze please pray for all involved. Ken is really shaken up big time. I know the family must be so horribly worse off, but I don't know that family, I do however, know how sensitive Ken is.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I went skiing yesterday and it was a good time.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tangible Tysabri
Thursday, February 18, 2010
God, you blow me away, over and over and over and. . .
Steasha is in the yellow to the right. My skin color had no worth there. And Ben (YL leader) and I were the only white guys. I honestly felt like we were all brothers and sisters in Christ though. It was so much fun too. We played that game where you have to act out stuff in a time limit and get the team to guess what yo1u are acting out. . . what is that called? And then this guy came, he is the pastor of the church apparently. I don't think he regularly speaks there, but he was tonight. The topic was "RELATIONSHIPS." Check out this list he gave us.
- Is the relationship moving too quickly?
- Flee from sexual immorality. (1 corinthians 6:18) This is all kinds of sexual issues, from thoughts to the physical touch.
- Is your significant other KIND?
- How does she treat the waiter at a restaurant when he/she messes up the order?
- How does she act in traffic?
- How does she love people?
- Is this person a teammate?
- Will she go to spiritual battle with you?
- Is she an individual who will protect you? ** Maybe this just means keeping things in confidence. You know, protecting your privacy.**
- Is this a person of integrity?
- The pastor gave the "milk jug" example. If your significant went to the grocery store and forgot to put a couple of milk jugs on the bottom of the cart and the check out person didn't see them, and your significant other didn't realize it till she got to the car, would she take them back in because it was the right thing to do?
- Is this person a quitter?
- When the going gets tough, does she get going, or is she likely to fold under pressure?
- Does she have a "forever" view of marriage (NO BACKING OUT)?
- Is God my & her most important priority?
- If I ever put my significant other before God, or she ever puts me before God, He will remove his blessing from that relationship. Simple as that.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I did my best
I was taken by how many kids showed up tonight. There was diversity too. Kids from all different walks of life, nationalities, and all. There were freshmen, and it was so good. Dang, I am just so pumped for what God is bringing to YL Fort Wayne.
I gave the talk tonight. I shared from my heart, but don't feel I did very good. Who knows though. If it touched one kids heart, it was all worth it. I just don't know though. Maybe i'm too hard on myself. LOL, one of my signs though for doing good is a leader or multiple leaders will come up to me and mention something about my talk. No one mentioned anything about my talk tonight. Maybe I didn't prepare enough. . . I don't know. I am super tired, and tired of thinking. Janice is pretty stuck in my head right now too. I wish life was simpler. Or, maybe I should say I wish I allowed myself to allow life to be simpler. Seriously.
Check out the final cut of the characters. Pretty "SHIBBY!"
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I should be sleeping, not posting
This picture was taken at the daycare this morning. I thought this was a cool picture. Aaron (kid in background) is just putting the ball up, and Triston, kid closer to the net is trying to block. Hee Hee. Little kids take B-Ball time seriously. It's all good though.
So much happened today. I needed to do so much more than what I did too. But, that's life. You get so many hours, and if you don't squeeze everything in, well, too bad.
God is amazing though, and I have amazing people in my life. Seriously.
Monday, February 15, 2010
active, busy, nonstop, going
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Austin's baptism
What an opportunity. Dang, seriously what an amazing opportunity. I feel so lucky that God allows me to be a part of something so beautiful. I am constantly learning so much from these kids I get the chance to hang out with. Seriously I feel so blessed that God allows me to see his work first hand. It is a powerful thing.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Jump Tomorrow
Yea, this is where some of the magic (studying) took place. But, what I would like to focus on is the fact that it did in deed take place; studying that is. Yep, I studied till about 6pm. Then I went over to Ryan's house. Twas a good thing. We (Ryan, Nate, and I) chilled for a bit, then eventually headed over to the local Cinema Center where we watched Jump Tomorrow. The three of us didn't really know what to expect. We walked into the Cinema Center not even knowing what was playing, but then saw this sign I read about 6 or 7 sentences from a piece of paper telling about the film, and well we all unanimously knew it was the movie for us. And to make things even better. Apparently on Saturdays movies only cost $2. The movie was really fun. It was a cheesy, awkward love story. It is just one of those independent movie that I just really appreciate. It was really good. But, even better to enjoy with my friends.
Friday, February 12, 2010
ohhhh crap, lazy again?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
We got something good here today
Here is subject number one. I got to play all morning with this little guy this morning. There was a two hour delay so I was off to Franke Park elementary school to hang out with the kids. It was a good time. Looks like I will be spending a lot of time here, at least for the next 90 days anyways.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My day today was alright I suppose
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
funny pic
Monday, February 8, 2010
Brooks & some video. . . with other stuff
Sunday, February 7, 2010
super bowl
Saturday, February 6, 2010
food, canceled Leadership summit, and other things
Ohh, I also made a funny video. Our attempt was to try to make a video that conveyed what exactly Young Life is. Ya know, maybe tell a little bit about club and stuff like that. It did not turn out exactly how I had envisioned it to, but I still like the final product. But, it appears I only uploaded it to Face Book, and not to YouTube. . . . . So, I cannot share it here on my BLOG.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
wall-mart express
So you are probably wondering what is up with the picture above. Well, that is my friend Synda and her roommate Katie. I went shopping with them at Wall-Mart. I don't know why I said that in past tense, I am actually still walking in Wall-Mart with the 2 girls and it is 1:08AM. There are all kinds of unique people in this place at this time of day. We are checking out now. . . . . so I am just gonna say G'Night Oh, and just a little update on Janice and how I am doing with all that. Well, I am doing really good. Every time she comes up. I go directly to God in prayer and ask him to clear my mind of her. At times I pray for her, but usually I ask God to clear my mind of her. It works really good, and it is making me rely on Him in a big way. . . . k k G'Night for real this time.
Oh, I wanted to post this from the other day. But, I forgot. Check it out.
I read this in my Bible study notes this morning, it was an "eyebrow lifting moment" for me. A super good reminder. The essential words are in RED.
To go with John 12:25-26>>>
When I receive Jesus through the person of the Holy Spirit to be within me and I am "in Him," there is a sense in which I also become a "kernal of wheat," for His own life is now the "kernal" within me. His thoughts become my thoughts, His emotions become my emotions, and His will becomes my will IN PROPORTION as I am UNITED to Him. This also means that His desire for fruitfulness, for the reproduction of the life of Christ in others, which animated Him, also pulsates within my own soul IN PROPORTION to my SURRENDER to Him.
Me: As we die, we too produce many seeds, well J.C. does through us anyways. This stuck out to me because there is a sort of cause & effect. As we continually choose to give in to Him, we are blessed by the outcome; LIFE, both in & around us. This makes me excited!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
sooooooo tired
Monday, February 1, 2010
A real sweet thing happened today
Once I got home I was sitting with my dad eating Ice cream. I got a text message from Janice. It said, "Hi Mikey." What ended up happening was she needed clarification on what our "break up" actually meant. I ended up calling her, and it was very difficult to hear her voice. But, it was not something I could do over the phone. I stuck to my guns, and even though I wanted to be there for her and comfort her, even in the midst of that, I still felt peace. Knowing that I made the right decision. And though it is still a very difficult situation, I know it is the right one. Even though at times I want to scream a little bit, I know I made the right situation. Truly I do.