What a surprise today turned out to be. Now when I woke up today, I knew that it was going to be a good day. I just didn’t know how good it was going to be. I started my Saturday morning at 7:15am. I got around and drove to where my sister has been living for a while now. It was time for Mer (my sister) to move on, physically; meaning her housing situation, and relationally; meaning her past relationship. I met at her old house, and helped move things into different vehicles. She had a guy from work help out, there was my car, there was Audra & Ally, and of course Mer’s car. So we packed things in and drove them 3 or 4 blocks down to her new residence. I really like the new place a lot.

This place was originally built in 1926, that is really really old. It is actually in good condition though. There are little things here and there that could use some work, but seriously for $335/mo and she only pays electricity, well that's pretty darn good. I was done helping her around 10:45am, then I went straight to the River Greenway (Place in Fort Wayne where there are miles and miles of walk ways/bike ways for people to ride all around the city. They are super nice and taken care of, and well it was amazingly fun. I went with a handfull of Young Life guys and another leader Ben. We had a blast!!

This was the staging area (parking lot). Mitchell, the one who is sitting on my car to the left was the brains behind this adventure.

I was of course taking pictures. It is really not safe to take a picture with my phone while going really fast and only riding with one hand. Luckily I did not smash myself.
We really had an awesome time though. It was such a beautiful day, and eventually we found like a sweet area with hills, jumps, and other super challenging things to take your bike on. I of course was covered in really wet and nasty mud in what seemed like seconds. It was still really awesome though. We went back to Mitchell's house, where Ben and I lead a rousing game of Ultimate Frisbee. Dang I love that game!
I left around 3pm, went home, talked to Janice, took a shower, and went to the 24 hour study lab at school. I studied Geology like crazy! Probably for 3+ hours. When I couldn't stand any more, I went over to hang out with Nicky. We went to Wall-Mart and he got a Beatles CD (his first ever) and then we went back to his house where a simple talk of the COSMOS lead to a pretty amazing conversation about God and life. I ended up asking him if he wanted to go to church with me tomorrow at Life Light Church, and he said YES! I am excited becaues he gets to enjoy Life Light Church with me for the first time on Sunday morning. IT IS GOING TO BE SO SWEET!! I can't wait, and I am so extremely glad he is going. :o)

Janice,I super hope that your serving went flawlessly for the first time. I am sure it did, but I hope you felt comfortable and that everything just went really well for you. I can't wait to tell you about things that happened tonight. It was a really good day. Love ya!
Mers apartment looks so cool but I'm sure its creepy at night. And as you know serving was great. I look forward to hearing all about your night. Love you babe!!